Determine the damage caused by double employements at the UoM

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), has been repeatedly warning against mismanagement at the University of Montenegro (UoM) during previous years, which caused damage to the budget of the UoM, as well as the quality of teaching, stating very specific examples, which, unfortunately, the responsible state authorities have not acted upon.

There are numerous assertions, indications and evidence that a number of professors of the UoM have worked and still work full-time, with all the benefits that this status brings, while at the same time maintaining identical status on other university units in the region, of which responsible persons at the UoM had been informed, but refuse to deal with it. This has directly caused and continues to cause damage to the budget of the UoM, but also to the quality of studies on given university units, to which the CCE has previously been indicating. One of these cases was recently partially resolved – the case of professor Bešić at the Faculty of Political Sciences, but there was none to take responsibility for damage caused to the UoM by his long-term engagement.

Therefore, the CCE has sent an urgent letter on 14 January 2013 to the Rectorate of the UoM, due to failure to act upon previously sent requests for free access to information directly related to questions about measures and actions taken by the management of the UoM about publically known examples of double employment of Prof. Srđan Vukadinović and Prof. Miloš Bešić at the UoM. Namely, the UoM has, since 2008, been familiar with the fact that Vukadinović is employed at the University of Tuzla, and since 2011 that Bešić is employed at the University of Belgrade. The difference between the contract that Bešić had, and that Vukadinović still has, in relation to the contracts that have other professors who are permanent employees at other faculties, and are hired as visiting professors at the UoM, is measured in tens of thousands of EUR, and at the expense of the UoM. With the submitted act the Rector has also been notified of the forwarding this case to the Basic State Prosecutor to initiate investigations regarding this issue. The CCE hopes that the UoM will provide information that are hidden from the public for years at least to the Basic State Prosecutor.

The CCE will continue to point out to irresponsible management of the former and current administration of the UoM, which is interwoven with corruptive activities and which has caused irreversible damage to the UoM, its employees and students, questioning the viability of the oldest academic institution in Montenegro.

Snežana Kaluđerović, Programme Coordinator