Members of Operational team from civil sector resigned

All members of Operational team from civil sector resigned today from their membership in Government’s Operational team of Open Government Partnership (OGP).

Four members of Operational team from civic sector – Boris Marić, Dina Bajramspahić, Milica Kovačević and Vuk Maraš resigned after the majority of members of Operational team from Government of Montenegro voted against the proposal of civil society organisations to urgently organise a special, open for public, session of Operational team, whereby it would be discussed on reasons for which the Government made the decision based on which it de facto dismissed the members of Operational team week ago.

Detailed reasons for resignations are in the text of the resignation itself.

Boris Marić, Centre for Civic Education (CCE)
Dina Bajramspahić, Institute Alternative (IA)
Milica Kovačević, Centre for democratic transition (CDT)
Vuk Maraš, Network for the affirmation of non-governmental sector (MANS)