ELIAMEP and CCE work on the proposal of new evaluation system for Montenegrin higher-education institutions

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), within the framework of the project “Only Knowledge should Get you the Title!”, conducted in cooperation with Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) organised series of meetings of ELIAMEP experts – Dimitri Sotiropulos PhD and Ioannis Armakolas PhD – with representatives of different educational institutions in Montenegro.

During their two-day visit to Montenegro, Dimitri Sotiropulos, PhD, professor at the University of Athens, and Ioannis Armakolas, PhD, professor at the University of Macedonia and manager of South East programme in ELIAMEP, met with representatives of University of Montenegro, University of Mediterranean, University of Donja Gorica, Council for Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Council for Qualifications, Students’ parliament, MAPSS, as well as with representatives of certain faculty units. Apart from Dimitri Sotiropulos and Ioannis Armakolas, ELIAMEP and CCE delegation consisted of Daliborka Uljarević, CCE Executive Director and Mira Popović, CCE programme associate.


Part of the activities, which are conducted within the project “Only Knowledge should Get you the Title” is the creation of proposal of new evaluation system for faculty units and certain programmes of higher-education institutions in Montenegro. These meetings were an opportunity for Greek experts, who have abound experience in this area in numerous EU member states, to inform directly on challenges in higher education in Montenegro when it comes to application of legislative framework, harmonisation with European area of higher-education, and other related issues. Based on the material they studied and these meetings, they will prepare a joint proposal of ELIAMEP and CCE for the improvement of evaluation system both on state and private universities and thus lay the foundations for an adequate evaluation system of work of professors by the students, as well as the system of external and internal evaluation of academic staff and university as a whole.


Final document, after the consultations with stakeholders, will be presented at the final conference of project “Only Knowledge should Get you the Title” during September 2016.

Project “Only knowledge should get you the title” is implemented with the support of EU Delegation to Montenegro, with the co-financing of Commission for the Allocation of Portion of the Revenue fromGames of chance and Heinrich Boll Stiftung.

Mira Popović, programme associate