Call for the best journalistic story addressing the position of persons with disabilities in Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is announcing


for the best journalistic story addressing the position of persons with disabilities in Montenegro

The competition is intended for journalists of Montenegrin print and electronic media (Internet publications) who, at the national and local level, report on persons with disabilities (PWD) in a manner that contributes to understanding the position of this marginalized social group, but also to preventing discrimination and violence against persons with disabilities.

The submitted journalistic stories should meet the criteria as follows:

      • use of correct terminology about people with disabilities;
      • reporting that raises the question of the position of persons with disabilities in society with respect to their dignity;
      • promotion of social inclusion of persons with disabilities, i.e. activities that lead to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the political, economic, cultural and social life on an equal basis with all citizens;
      • strengthening of media awareness about the harmfulness of prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination and exclusion of persons with disabilities.

Stories can be sent until 15 January 2021, via e-mail, with the subject “COMPETITION FOR THE BEST PWD STORY”.

Based on the received works and taking into account the fulfillment of the criteria and goals of the public competition, as well as reporting following the Code of Journalists of Montenegro, the Commission will select the best story. After the selection, a panel discussion will be held with the participation of the authors of the stories to further promote equality, inclusion, the fight against discrimination and violence against persons with disabilities. On that occasion, a cash prize for the best story of EUR 500.00 will be awarded.

The competition for the best story “Promotion of the rights of PWD and contribution to the prevention of discrimination and violence against PWD” is organized within the project “Equality for all – discrimination NO!” implemented by the CCE with the support of the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights.