Facts and Prejudices – Financing of Non-governmental organisations and Political parties in Montenegro from Public funds

About publication

Authors: Nikola Djonović, Boris Marić, Željka Ćetković, Snežana Kaluđerović

Publishing year: 2016

Facts and prejudices – Financing of Nongovernmental organisations and Political parties in Montenegro from Public funds provides and overview of legislative and institutional system of financing of NGOs from public funds, along with the recommendations which should be taken into account to improve current state of affairs. Likewise, it reflects on practice in this area during previous three years through the functioning of existing mechanisms of financing, but also indicates on phenomenon of discretionary decision-making in terms of the support to nongovernmental organisations by state bodies. Furthermore, it reflects on regulations that regulate the financing of political parties and practices in Montenegro, as well as on regional and EU level.

This publication is a result of months of research on the financing of non-governmental organisations and political parties from public funds of Montenegro. It was produced based on the analysis of legislative framework within respective areas; reports of competent institutions, local selfgovernments, relevant NGOs in Montenegro; data received based on the application of Free Access to Information Law; search of web pages of institutions/organisations; and media archives.

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union and BTD, through the Balkan Public Policy Fund within the BCSDN “IPA Balkan CS Acquis: Strengthening the Advocacy and Monitoring Potential and Capacities of CSOs” project.