Gender equality should be fast forward through the education system

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), with the support of the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, today in Podgorica organized a one-day workshop Let’s Fast Forward Gender Equality for 22 teachers of sociology, civic education and other subjects from the group of social sciences and humanities in high schools.

Svetlana Jovetić Koprivica and Miro Minić, who developed the practicum , introduced professors from 13 Montenegrin high schools with the manner of implementing 10 solutions/workshops that offer the possibility of raising the level of information and knowledge, i.e. adopting the value of gender equality among students.

“Today’s workshop is of great importance, because if we need to change something, we should start from ourselves, and then act on young people. We are here to talk to students about various topics and break down prejudices, because it is important to raise awareness about gender equality from an early age,” said Stela Burzanović Nedović, professor of psychology at Secondary School ” Mirko Vešović ” in Podgorica.

“It is very necessary that this type of workshop is conducted, as this is how we first become aware of ourselves and then by applying in the team in which we work, among colleagues and students, we make others aware to look at this topic differently, i.e. to eliminate gender inequality and to build a society towards gender equality”, believes Nada Purić, professor of psychology at the Danilo Kiš Secondary School in Budva.

The aim of the workshop is to increase the understanding of high school teachers about the importance of strengthening gender equality in school practice, with a focus on recognizing gender stereotypes, prejudices and ways to overcome them, as well as gender-sensitive and stereotypical language, discrimination and gender prevention modalities.

The workshop is part of the activities of the project Let’s FAST FORWARD gender equality (phase II) – from stereotyping to equality! implemented with the support of the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights, to improve the understanding of the concept of gender equality among citizens and their awareness to shape a society of equal opportunities.

Maja Marinović, Programme Associate