Donations of books during March

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in previous days, donated to the libraries of the Law Faculty and the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Montenegro, as well as to the State Election Commission (SEC) and one law office, a total of 165 publications, app. 250 copies of publications, from the publishing activity of the CCE and CCE’s library, which also contains publications by other entities on topics that may be close to the recipients of these donations.

More precisely, the CCE donated to the Faculty of Political Sciences 57 editions, that is a total of 98 copies of publications, as some were in multiple copies, to the Law Faculty 60 editions, 96 copies, to the State Election Commission 15 editions in 18 copies, and to one law firm 33 editions, with a total 35 copies.

During more than two decades of work, CCE published more than 220 of its own editions, which covered a wide range of topics aimed at the affirmation of democratization, Europeanization, human rights and active citizenship. Donated publications are part of that circulation, as well as those from the CCE library on related issues.

By donating these publications, CCE wants to expand the direct scope of users to students and researchers from the academic structure, then to institutions, but also other interested parties who continuously work on acquiring new knowledge and skills in the areas that are the focus of CCE’s work. In that part, the formal education system and institutions of higher education are especially important to us, which were and remain crucial in shaping social awareness. Namely, starting from the fact that the young generations educated in these institutions are the future bearers of social developments, we want to contribute with these donations to their education and academic development in various fields, including topics that are often left out of the curriculum.

We remind that also in previous years, the CCE has donated publications to various institutions and organizations on several occasions, thus strengthening their library fund in order to have a wider offer for users.

By the end of March, the CCE will make several more donations of books to educational institutions, as well as to other institutions, to support these entities through a variety of content for informing and studying a number of important socio-political topics.

Nikola Đurašević, project assistant