Montenegro-Serbia relations complex, differences evident, and potential of crisis continues

Relations between Montenegro and Serbia are sensitive and complex, requiring a realistic approach with a full awareness of their historical underpinnings and the influence of current decision-makers. The context also includes apparent attempts to provoke a crisis by the authorities in Belgrade, as highlighted in yesterday’s Plenum on Montenegrin-Serbian relations, organized by the Centre for… »

Too many frameworks for integration and too little integration

A stable, European, and civic government in Montenegro can complete all the reforms from the process of accession to the European Union (EU) in four years, but it is questionable whether Montenegro will get such a government, said former Minister of European Affairs of Montenegro and member of the BIEPAG, Jovana Marović, during the panel… »

For the majority of citizens of Serbia, the issue of Montenegro’s independence is closed, with insufficient degree of recognition of Montenegrin identity and double standards for political changes

The question of Montenegro’s independence is considered closed by the dominant majority of citizens of Serbia, but it is clear that the narratives heard from the authorities keep this topic within a framework that is not conducive for the development of healthy neighbourly relations. This is indicated by responses related to the insufficient degree of… »

Independence of Montenegro definitive, Serbian influence present in internal affairs while the West loses the leverage, the dominant value system will not be reflected in the planned Government

Independence of Montenegro is definitive and unquestionable for the vast majority of Montenegrin citizens, relations with Serbia are assessed as the best in comparison to former Yugoslav countries. However, there is a prevailing belief that official Serbia influences internal affairs in Montenegro, and such interference is significantly noticeable even when it comes to the Serbian… »

Combating inappropriate speech in the online space is the interest and obligation of the entire society

Despite certain positive developments in addressing hate speech in the public sphere, a more proactive institutional approach is needed, and communication on this issue must be substantive to continuously point out the harmful effects of hate speech and related forms of inappropriate speech, as well as the consequences it has on direct victims and society… »

Young people are apathetic and do not believe in change

It is often taken for granted that young people are Euroenthusiastic, and Euroscepticism that is spreading among them is ignored. The factors for this scepticism vary, but mostly include insufficient levels of information young people hold about the benefits provided by EU membership, which is also related to their economic opportunities; we should also not… »