We understand that CCE/CGO bother and we will continue to do that

Centre for Civic Education (CGO) has purchased office space, as have many individuals, companies, NGOs, or other entities from Bemax, in accordance with the market conditions and procedures that apply when purchasing space from the company on credit and is repaid through credit.

At the time of taking the loan, the owner of the premises, i.e., Bemax agreed to that, until the money from the loan was credited to that company’s account and until the transfer was completed, after which the space owned by the CCE/CGO became a guarantee, i.e. cover for the loan.

Hence, there is nothing controversial in the manner of acquiring CCE/CGO office space, where over 20 people work every day, contributing through their autonomous approach, well-founded positions, principles, and consistency in upholding a standard of social sobriety, regardless of who is in power. We remain open to evidence-based discussion and refrain from engaging in baseless accusations and labelling, leaving such practices to those who do not know better.

Finally, this piece of the RTCG will not hide the fact that the European Commission Country Report was published today, in which, as well as in the Resolution of the European Parliament, it is confirmed that the RTCG did not comply with the final court verdict, but also in which it is noted that Dritan Abazović, as one of the highest-ranking politicians, frequently attempted to diminish the work of critical oriented NGOs, particularly the CCE/CGO.

Centre for Civic Education (CGO)