(Non)transparency of judiciary affects (dis)trust of citizens

Public opinion when it comes to trust in the current judiciary system of Montenegro is divided, but slightly higher number of respondents states that has no trust in the judiciary, as indicated by data from the public opinion survey on transparency of judicary in Montenegro which the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) presented today. ’Those… »

Berlin Process Ministerial Meeting in Warsaw: Participants welcomed a briefing by the European Commission on way ahead with regard to RECOM

Participants of the Berlin Process Western Balkan Ministerial Meeting held in Warsaw underlined their commitment to reconciliation and welcomed support of the European Commission on way ahead with regard to RECOM (Regional Commission Tasked with Establishing the Facts about All Victims of War Crimes and Other Serious Human Rights Violations Committed on the Territory of… »

Education for multiculturalism and interculturalism

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organized Youth Intercultural Camp from 11 to 14 April, at Ivanova korita, within the framework of the project Education for Multiculturalism and Interculturalism, supported by the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights of the Government of Montenegro. Youth Intercultural Camp was attended by 24 high schools pupils from nine Montenegrin… »

Changes in existing public policies and offers are necessary

With amendments to electoral legislation and the introduction of open lists, MPs and councilors would be more accountable to citizens, and change of power requires specific proposal of the opposition concerning social issues. This was stated at the panel discussion ’Democracy and political parties: to whom are responsible councilors – citizens or parties??’, organized by… »

Controlled chaos in regulation of electronic media

It is necessary to ensure non-selective application of Law on Electronic Media towards all broadcasters which have broadcast license, in order to protect public interest within the area of informing citizens on issues important for satisfying everyday life needs, as it was concluded today at the presentation of the study of Centre for Civic Education… »

Councilors – representatives of citizens or interests of political parties?

The Coalition for Transparency and Fight against Corruption at the Local Level (KUM) notes that democracy at the local level in Montenegro is not sufficiently developed. Challenges are particularly identified in insufficient understanding of the role of councilors in local parliaments and the need for continuous communication with citizens even after the end of electoral procedures. However,… »

There is no significant progress in Roma inclusion into montenegrin society

The Centre for Civic Education (CCE) assesses that this International Roma Day in Montenegro is again welcomed without significant progress in the inclusion of Roma into Montenegrin society. Numerous prejudices and stereotypes towards Roma persist and aggravate the integration and full involvement of Roma in all spheres of society. The CCE research on the perception… »

The media are important factor in informing about violent extremism and radicalism

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organized, today in Podgorica, training for journalists on the phenomenon of radicalization and violent extremism, providing specific guidelines for quality reporting and research on these issues, as well as monitoring of the security sector and relevant institutions work in this field. During the training, the concepts of terrorism, radicalism and… »