Centre for Civic Education (CCE) assesses that the decision of Government of Montenegro to appoint Sanja Vlahović for the ambassador of Montenegro to Italy indicates the relation of authorities to values it promotes and which are not based either on knowledge or academic honour. Simultaneously, this indicates how the interest of one party overruled the… »
Position of young people in Montenegro should be improved
Montenegro, as it approaches membership in European Union (EU), must do a lot more to improve position of young people, estimated Nikola Janović, Minister of Sport, stating that this ministry has great ambitions for that population. During today’s agora titled “Montenegrin dream of different Europe”, organised by Centre for Civic Education (CCE), he stated that… »
Media financing system must be regulated
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Stiftung, organised a conference today titled “Equal chances for all media in Montenegro”. Daliborka Uljarević, CCE Executive director, opened the conference assessing that the situation in media is “characterised with deep polarisation and wide politicisation of media in Montenegro, which is encumbered by poor quality… »
Young people on European standards during tenth European café
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today organised tenth European café, in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), in the great hall of CCE. Within this event, H.E. Veselko Grubišić, ambassador of Republic of Croatia in Montenegro, talked with representatives of high school and student organisations, as well as with youth organisations and youth wings of… »
Training on communication skills and human rights completed
Training on human rights for the participants of project Through employment to inclusion was completed today in Centre for Civic Education (CCE). During two-day long training, participants had the opportunity to discuss the contemporary concept, generations and culture of human rights, legislative and institutional framework of protection against discrimination in Montenegro, understanding, tolerance and solidarity,… »
Populism seriously undermines the institutional system
Daliborka Uljarević, Executive director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), assessed that populism is not just some harmless, everyday political or electoral rhetoric, but a phenomena which seriously undermines the institutional system and erodes the rule of law. At the first Democratic forum, titled “How to transform populism from a threat to challenge on… »
Call to memorial gathering on the occasion of 25 years since the crime of deportation of refugees
NGOs Human Rights Action, Centre for Civic Education and Centre for Women and Peace Education ANIMA are organising a memorial gathering tomorrow, Thursday, 25 May 2016 at noon, in order to commemorate 25 years since the deportation of Bosnian refugees from Montenegro that occurred in 1992. The gathering will take place in front of the… »
Berlin process contributes to the quality of Montenegrin accession process to EU
H.E. Günther Mattern, ambassador of FR of Germany in Montenegro, was the guest of tonight’s European café, organised by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Within the ninth European café, ambassador discussed with the participants on the following topic: “Montenegro at the crossroad – where the country is… »
Amendments of education laws should ensure quality, transparency and accountability
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has submitted its comments and suggestions to the Ministry of Education with regards to four legal texts – Law on Higher Education, Law on Primary Education, General Law on Education and Upbringing and Law on Education of Adults. Among other things, CCE has underlined key remarks related to Law on… »
NGOs against the ban of protest at the boulevard in front of the Parliament and for the protection of constitutional right to peaceful assembly
Institute Alternative (IA), Centre for Civic Education (CGO), Centre for Development of NGOs (CDNGO) and Network for the affirmation of NGO sector (NANS) urge the Ministry of Interior not to persist in its intention to ban the organisation of public assemblies on roads through the amendments of law, because it is contrary to Montenegrin Constitution… »