Enable adequate participation of civil sector – letter to the Government and Ministry of European Affairs

GOVERNMENT OF MONTENEGRO Duško Marković, Prime Minister Ministry of European Affairs Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, Minister Podgorica, 11/5/2017 Dear Mr Marković, Dear Mr Pejović, We are addressing you concerning the recent decision which was adopted by the Government of Montenegro, namely to leave out Vuk Maraš, representative of NGO MANS, from the Working group for the… »

State is obliged to ensure the development of media freedoms

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) congratulates 3 May – World Press Freedom Day – to all media and media practitioners in Montenegro, though unfortunately they have no reason to celebrate it this year either. On the other side, this is a chance to indicate on difficult environment in which Montenegrin media work and operate, as… »

Through employment to inclusion

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has employed eight persons with disabilities during April, within the framework of the project Through employment to inclusion. Their working engagement will last six months, and they will be placed in seven NGOs and one independent institution. Project is implemented with the support of Employment Agency. More precisely, partners from… »

Successfully concluded work of IX cycle of Peace Education Programme

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) hosted the award of diplomas for the participants of Peace Education Programme. In total, 51 participant received the confirmation of attendance on PEP’s ninth cycle. Same as before, PEP has enjoyed great level of interest, both by the citizens of Podgorica and other cities of Montenegro. It was marked by… »

Training in communication skills completed in Podgorica and Bijelo Polje

A total of 60 candidates from Central, Northern and Southern region acquainted with the communication world Total of 60 candidates from entire Montenegro have completed their first round of training in the communication area. By entering the communication world, during past two weekends, they have gained basic presentation skills, learned how to function in team… »

Road to efficient human rights education – dilemmas and solutions

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), within the framework of the project Through Education to Human Rights! supported by the Commission for the allocation of part of the revenue from games of chance, organised a conference titled Road to efficient education for human rights – dilemmas and solutions. Daliborka Uljarević, CCE Executive Director, opened the conference… »

Completed internship within the project „Active students for sustainable development“

Ten students who were selected within the project “Active students for sustainable development” have successfully completed their month-long practice in Institute Alternative and Daily Press. Prior to this, programme participants visited project partners and had the opportunity to attend the workshops on basics of public policies and objective journalist reporting. Within the framework of this… »

PEP X cancelled

For personal reasons, Jovicevici have decided with regret that they must cancel tenth cycle of workshops within Peace Education Programme (PEP). Jovicevici have offered PEP for several years as donators and volunteers, within the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) educational programme «Contemporary Tendencies of Critical Thought». Thanks to their generosity and efforts, over 500 people… »

First European café for young people

Roman Hloben, ambassador of Republic of Slovakia in Montenegro, was the guest of the first European café for young people, organised by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) in cooperation with the European Alternatives, where he spoke about the “EU – 60 years after the Treaty of Rome”. Ana Nenezić, programme coordinator of Europeanisation and… »