Response to ‘Professional journalism’ and threats of Goran Popovic and Dnevne novine

Today’s front page of ‘Dnevne novine’ and main text on page 2 and 3 represent a peak of shameless campaign which is for months being led against me personally and non-governmental organisation Centre for Civic Education (CCE/CGO) that I represent.

I want to highlight to the public: it is untrue that I have any connection to the ‘text’ which Dragan J. Vucicevic wrote on family Draskovic, who was Editor-in-Chief of the magazine ‘Izlaz’, and has in this capacity edited independently that student magazine. I did not interfere in the work of the editorial. From the perspective of media servants of the authorities in Montenegro who work as per order, this seems unreal. It is true that after this edition which marked his selected direction in journalism, we have gone on different sides, never to see each other afterwards, and that today we stand on substantially diametrically opposite sides and value positions.

All those who supported also this student project, of which one part was the student magazine ‘Izlaz’, and many others as well, have clearly seen both then and now who is who. Therefore I am still in excellent relation with those international organisations, foundations and institutions because they appreciate my knowledge, work and value framework.

To tar me with the same brush as Vucicevic and that kind of journalism over which Goran Popovic is simultaneously allegedly being repulsed while consistently applying it in attacks on me is monstrous.

I understand the messages arriving daily via unheard-of media harangue that is being led against me from your media and ‘comradely’ media. I hope that you too will understand that nothing of those works of yours will frighten me nor will those threats that I will ‘ end up in a landfill ‘ that I received, which the authorised institutions have never properly acted upon.

On the contrary, that only encourages me and strengthens me in my belief that I and my colleagues should work even more, dedicatedly and with greater energy in order to get out of this twilight zone in which those who criticise deviations of the system are daily targets of the attempts to be criminalized and destroyed.

I expect of Media Self-Regulatory Body to declare itself upon this issue, as well as Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms, and I will seek my right also through judiciary institutions.

Daliborka Uljarevic, Executive Director