Culture of remembrance as an important mechanism for the efficient process of facing with the past and establishing lasting peace

On the occasion of the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) highlights the importance of conducting continued actions that seek to develop the culture of remembrance, respect, confession and compassion with all victims that suffered the fate of harshest violence and torment. Forms of fascism and… »

Extraordinary achievements presented to Montenegrin audience

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has organised the fifth jubilee Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival 2014 in Montenegrin national theatre (MNT) in Podgorica and in cinema “Boka” in Kotor, from 10 to 14 December 2014, and on this occasion, Montenegrin public had a chance to enjoy in 12 excellent domestic and international achievements. Over… »

Democracy School – XXV generation

CCE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung announces an OPEN CALL for participants of the XXV generation of DEMOCRACY SCHOOL – school for learning democracy from theory to practice – School comprises of 5 modules in total duration of four months. The sessions will be held once or twice a week, in duration of two hours. All… »

Prosecutor’s Office needs to be involved in fighting plagiarism on Montenegrin universities

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) yesterday filed a criminal complaint to the Supreme State Prosecutor Ivica Stanković against unidentified persons, Milan Babović and Sanja Vlahović on grounds of reasonable suspicion of having perpetrated a crime of unauthorized use of copyright works and fraud. Namely, based on Articles 255 and 256 of Law on Criminal Procedure,… »

Ambassador Pejović was a guest of the European Café

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), with the support of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, today has begun the realization of the European Café project, within which framework the State secretary for European integration and Chief negotiator ambassador Aleksandar Andrija Pejović spoke with the representatives of civil society about the accession process of Montenegro into EU. In an… »

Human Rights School – XX generation

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a CALL for participants of the XX generation of the HUMAN RIGHTS SCHOOL – School for learning human rights from theory to practice – If you are a high school student, if you want to learn about human rights, to meet and socialize with your peers, to spread and… »

Fast Forward Human Rights final conference was held

Within the framework of the project Fast Forward Human Rights!, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today held a conference in hotel Ramada, in Podgorica, starting at 10h00, as the final public event of the aforementioned project, that the CCE conducted with Civic Initiatives (CI) from Belgrade, from November 2013 till January 2015, and with the… »

Peace Education Programme – Open call for third generation

In the framework of the new educational programme ”Contemporary tendencies of critical thought” and in response to popular demand CCE presents, for the third time in Montenegro, the world-renowned PEACE EDUCATION PROGRAMME (PEP) This programme of weekly workshops, lasts for 10 consecutive weeks, in duration of one hour and half. It is created by The… »

Completed training for journalists in developing techniques of reporting on human rights violation cases in Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in cooperation with Civic Initiatives (GI), within the framework of implementation of the “Fast Forward Human Rights” project, supported by the EU Delegation to Montenegro organized, from 9 to 11 January 2015, training for journalists in developing techniques of reporting on human rights violation cases in Montenegro. The aim of… »