Centre for Civic Education (CCE) emphasizes that the celebration of the International Day of Fight against Fascism, Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia represents an opportunity to remind ourselves of horrific consequences of the Holocaust and lethality of fascist ideology. At the same time, it is also an opportunity to reflect upon the threat of a growing trend… »
Independent daily Vijesti continues to support the Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival 2014
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) will soon organize the Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival 2014. Jubilee – the fifth – edition will mark the release of exceptionally quality and diverse programme as well as guest visits of numerous authors. Recognizing the importance of such Festival, the independent daily Vijesti will provide support to its… »
Constitution is clear: The Court must prohibit future publishing of disputed content
The Court should render a decision on automatic ban on distribution of all future media content that violates human rights and freedoms, in order to prevent further endangering of dignity and integrity of daily newspaper “Informer”. This has been requested in the initiative that was submitted by seventeen representatives of civil society to Basic State… »
Human Rights School – XIX generation
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a CALL for participants of the XIX generation of the HUMAN RIGHTS SCHOOL – School for learning human rights from theory to practice – If you are a high school student, if you want to learn about human rights, to meet and socialize with your peers, to spread and… »
Coalition STEP invites for support for the Pride in Podgorica
Podgorica, Belgrade, Priština – 28 October 2014 Coalition for Equality STEP, on the occasion of the Pride that is scheduled for 2 November 2014 in Podgorica, invites all citizens, primarily persons who have influence on public opinion, to refrain themselves from spreading hate speech and instigating atmosphere of lynch and violence against LGBT people. We… »
The fight against corruption must also be conducted by the local self-governments
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) considers that the current efforts of local self – governments in the fight against corruption are insufficient and that it is a clear indication of lack of political will to deal with this problem. And it is exactly the local level the origin of many devastating and long-term forms of… »
Is the Government of Montenegro intentionally slowing down the European integration process?
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has yesterday indicated to an extremely poor impact of implementation of the Programme of Montenegro’s accession to the European Union for the period 2014-2018. In this part, an analysis of the Report on implementation of commitments under this Programme, prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI)… »
Big ambitions yet modest effects
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) points to the fact that numerous plans and programmes, developed in the process of accession of Montenegro to the EU, are ambitiously conceived and often out of realistic possibilities, whereas the effects of their implementation are chronically absent. At the same time, none bears responsibility, which brings further concern to… »
Who and why urged to adoption of Law on Higher Education?
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) express its surprise by speed that the Law on Higher Education was adopted by the Government of Montenegro and forwarded to the Parliament, where it also has undergone an equally express procedure in the competent Committee for Education, Science, Culture and Sports, especially having in mind that it was not… »