Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is publishing an ADVERTISMENT for XVII generation of the HUMAN RIGHTS SCHOOL – school for learning human rights from theory to practice- School comprises 3 modules in total of one intensive week with numerous lectures, workshops, film screenings and theater forums which will offer an opportunity to learn and discuss… »
Some countries show “reforms fatigue”
Daliborka Uljarević, executive director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) participates today at the international conference entitled “Further EU Enlargement in South Eastern Europe – the road ahead!”, held in Zagreb and organized by the International Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) from Zagreb and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI). At… »
The future of EU enlargment is in change of the approach towards the western balkan countries
Daliborka Uljarević, executive director of the CCE, takes part at the two days long experts’ workshop (15-16 April) organised in Brussels by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation entitled “The future of Enlargement: preparing for Thessaloniki II”. The purpose of the event is to discuss the challenges that the enlargement process is facing, both from the side… »
Chapter 26 temporarily closed, but a lot of work still remains
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the provisionally closure of another negotiating chapter – Chapter 26 (Education and Culture). Provisionally closure of this chapter, in addition to previously provisionally closed chapter 25 – Science and Research, is a step towards membership of Montenegro in the European Union. This chapter is very important for Montenegro, given… »
Montenegro must reach fair and free elections
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) estimates that a redundant negligence was made when the State Election Commission (SEC) has decided to publish the preliminary results without the presence of relevant international observers with whom they would thoroughly review the election material and determine a reliable result. CCE believes that the elections were held in a… »
EC and OSCE to be involved in the determination of election results
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in the light of the just completed presidential elections, upon which both candidates declared victory, calls the State Election Commission (SEC) to ensure the presence of relevant international representatives, and especially the representatives of the European Commission (EC) and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), in order… »
There is still no systematic approach to problem solving at the university of Montenegro
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) believes that the accusations made by the representative of the Biotechnical Faculty’s student parliament Miloš Bulatović, at the expense of some professors of this faculty who are claimed to have been performing pressure, in terms of threats and bribes, to members of the Student Council in the Parliament to vote… »
Naked patriotism
Montenegro will continue to exist, to the extent that its citizens stay committed to two principles: that the country remains sovereign from external interests and pressures, and that its citizens remain sovereign from political pressures by oligarchic structures. Three years ago I wrote here about a profession that does not officially exist in Montenegro but… »
Speed up the dynamics of work regarding Chapter 23
In the framework of the project “EU Info Bus: on the road to the EU!”, the panel discussion “Montenegro in the process of negotiations with the European Union: chapter 23 – Judiciary and fundamental rights” was held today at the conference room of the Faculty of Law at the University of Montenegro, in cooperation with… »
Contest for the best journalistic piece on European Integration in Montenegro
Acknowledging the significance of the European Integration process and the need for citizens of Montenegro to be well informed about its developments, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, opens a CONTEST for the best journalistic piece on European Integration in Montenegro The contest is… »