It is not good that all charges of war crimes are falling

On the occasion of the acquittal in the case of “Deportation” Centre for Civic Education (CCE) assess that it is not good that all indictments for the war crimes by the Montenegrin courts are falling, and it should be determined who is responsible for that – whether the prosecution or the judiciary… It is not… »

An important test for the Montenegrin judiciary

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) assess that the verdict in the case of “Deportation”, scheduled for 22 November is an important test for the Montenegrin judiciary, in the sense that it will show how much it is really ready to prosecute warcrimes in a way that it deliver justice to the victims. We remind that… »

Justice for victims must be a priority

On the occasion of the acquittal ICTY Appeals Chamber made in case against Croatian generals Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markac, Centre for CivicEducation (CCE) recalls that the establishment of justice for the victims after the wars in the former Yugoslavia has to be a priority. Also, regardless of the epilogue of this process, it is… »

Long journey to tolerant society

On the occasion of the International Day for Tolerance – 16 November, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) uses the opportunity to invite all social actors to a greater degree of openness, understanding and mutual respect… Long journey to tolerant society – (pdf)

Leading positions are also for women

It’s good to remember that women in Montenegro only gained the right to vote in 1945. Since then, it’s been a full sixty-seven years that they are still fighting for their rights and trying to strike a balance with men – who are considered knowledgeable and powerful just because they’re men… Leading positions are also… »

CCE and dvv International organisers of regional workshop “Lifelong Learning and Civil Society Development”

The Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (dvv international) is organizing a regional workshop on “Lifelong learning and the civil society development,” from 11 to 13 november, which gathered civil society organizations for adult education from Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia…… »

Answers are not in the bulletins

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) rejects arbitrary statements of the President of the University of Montenegro’s Managing Board (UoM’s MB) Duško Bjelica. CCE underlines that so far it has never reacted inappropriate in its work, nor it has been attacking tendentiously UoM’s AB and its President, but was always, in a lawful and professional manner,… »

RTCG is partner of the Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) will organize Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival for the third time, with even more diverse programme. In this regard, CCE has signed a new Cooperation Agreement with RTCG today on the 9 November, when the International Day Against Fascism and Anti-Semitism is being celebrated… RTCG is partner of the… »