In the framework of the new educational programme Contemporary tendencies of critical thought CCE organises A cycle of lectures on Michel Onfray contemporary French philosopher, author of “Hedonist Manifesto” Lectures and discussions will take place in the CCE premises, every Thursday from 7:00 p.m. In order to apply, send your biography (CV) and motivation letter… »
Advertisement: Human rights school – XIII generation
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is publishing an ADVERTISMENT for XIII generation of the HUMAN RIGHTS SCHOOL – school for learning democracy from theory to practice – School comprises 3 modules in total of one intensive week with numerous lectures, workshops, film screenings and theater forums which will offer an opportunity to learn and discuss… »
Advertisement: Democracy School – XIX generation
CCE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung publicise AN ADVERTISEMENT for participants of XIX generation of DEMOCRACY SCHOOL – school for learning democracy from theory to practice – School comprises 5 modules lasting totally four months. The courses will be held once or twice a week for two hours. All expenses are covered by the foundation Friedrich… »
Laws and institutions should be in citizens’ service
Among the masks
After 2011, which won us the freedom to talk about anyone and anything without worrying too much about evidence, the biggest progress in 2012 would be sort out who represents whom, what personal and political ambitions lie behind it, what means lie at their disposal, and who finances the whole thing… Among the masks –… »
Documentaries from the Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival at the list of the 20 best documentaries in the 2011 year
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is pleased to inform the public that one of the most prestigious websites focused on film critic, included in its list of the 20 best documentaries in the 2011, documentaries that were screened at the recently closed Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival, organized by the CCE… Documentaries from… »
Voices from the Margins
Centre for Civic Education and Heinrich Böll Stiftung, within the Fast Forward Film Festival, are organising panel discussion on VOICES FROM THE MARGINS Panelists: Marijana Lakovic, deputy Ombudsperson Janko Ljumovic, producer and director of the Montenegrin National Theatre Paula Petricevic, lecturer at the Women Studies, Anima Danilo Marunovic, director and author of the video “We are part of the team!”… »
Acceleration of the post-traumatic society
These days, a Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival is being held in Podgorica, but it will not feature a movie that would tell how horrible and traumatic path of us as a society was to come to the first political party, the first bank, the first controversial businessmen, etc, even though we have such… »
Post-traumatic societies
Centre for Civic Education and Heinrich Böll Stiftung, within the Fast Forward Film Festival, are organising panel discussion on POST-TRAUMATIC SOCIETIES Panelists: • Branko Baletic, film director and director of the Montenegrin Cinema House • Balša Brković, writer and editor of “Art” in daily “Vijesti” • Dušan Vuleković, film director and lecturer at the Faculty of Drama… »