23 NGOs wrote to Aleksa Bečić: Democrats to withdraw the proposal to name a street in Podgorica after Pavle Bulatović

On Friday, 15 March 2024, 23 non-governmental organizations sent an appeal to the president of Democratic Montenegro (Democrats), Aleksa Bečić, to influence the councillors of that party in the Assembly of the Capital City to withdraw the proposal to name a street in Podgorica after Pavle Bulatović, the minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic… »

Youth initiatives for changes in the community

Centre for Civic Education (CGE) gathered representatives of institutions and young people today who had the opportunity to present their initiatives developed during the recently held Youth Activism Schools in the central, southern and northern regions of Montenegro, within the “Youth for the Youth!” project, implemented by CCE with the support of the U.S. Embassy… »

Open call for participants for teacher training in secondary and primary schools

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a OPEN CALL for participants in teacher training for secondary and primary school on methods of applying museum education in teaching young people and developing their intercultural competences The call is open to all primary and secondary school teachers in the territory of Montenegro who are interested in expanding… »

Protest of 15 NGOs: Proposed amendments to the Criminal Code once again do not strengthen human rights protection in Montenegro

We protest because the recently published Draft Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Montenegro again does not contain changes important for the protection of human rights. This is the second time in three months that the Ministry of Justice ignores recommendations of the Committee against Torture (CAT), the Committee on the Rights of… »

Balance between freedom of expression and protection of other values in a democratic society should be established

Defining a clear boundary between freedom of expression and situations where its limitation is necessary represents a particular challenge for today’s society, where hate speech is becoming increasingly prevalent. This was assessed at the second panel of the discussion forum “Democracy in Focus – the Relationship between Government and Civil Society“, organized by the Centre… »

Campaigns against the NGO sector jeopardize the development of civil society

Campaigns conducted in recent years against critically oriented non-governmental organizations seriously endanger the development of civil society, assessed executive director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Daliborka Uljarević. Speaking at the discussion forum “Democracy in Focus – the Relationship between Government and Civil Society,” organized by the CCE, within the project “NGOs in Montenegro… »

Through informal education of youth towards strengthening intercultural society

Alternative education programmes are important for young people, and they themselves emphasize the transformative experience gained from the Intercultural Camp, organized by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) in Sutomore, from 26 to 28 February 2024, within the project “Education for a multicultural society”, with the support of the Fund for Protection and Realization of… »