Without progress in respecting LGBTIQ+ rights

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), on the occasion of 17 May – the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) – calls on citizens to refrain from hate speech and violence towards LGBTIQ+ individuals and urges competent institutions to adequately prosecute and sanction such acts. We are witnessing a trend of regression in the… »

Supreme State Prosecutor’s office to issue instructions to prosecutors regarding cases of causing national, race and religious hatred, divisions and intolerance

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today sent the Acting Supreme State Prosecutor, Tatjana Begović, an Initiative for providing general instructions for the actions of prosecutors in cases of committing act of causing national, race and religious hatred, which are defined in Article 370 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro. The aim of that initiative is… »

Montenegro is still far from genuine media freedom

Media Freedom Day – 3 May – the media, media associations and journalists in Montenegro face in an unchanged environment compared to previous years, which is characterized by a number of problems. Nevertheless, this is an opportunity to remind on the importance of the media in the defense of the public interest, i.e. that part… »

Through meeting peers and learning to interculturalism

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organized an Intercultural Camp for high-school pupils in Kolašin from 26 to 30 April, within the project “I act – I change!”, which the CCE implements with the financial support of the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica. Through the intensive five-day programme young people learned about acceptance and tolerance, the concept… »