Municipality of Bar a front runner in investing in the improvement of the work of schools

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) conducted research that indicates the uneven investment of municipalities in the improvement of schooling conditions, with the aim of pointing out the need for stronger synergy of all actors in order to contribute to better working conditions within the formal education system in the territories of respective municipalities. According to… »

Donations of books during March

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in previous days, donated to the libraries of the Law Faculty and the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Montenegro, as well as to the State Election Commission (SEC) and one law office, a total of 165 publications, app. 250 copies of publications, from the publishing activity of… »

Political and social actors should contribute to reducing radicalization in society

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses its concern that this presidential campaign is being followed by radical expressions of intolerance, which during the past week culminated in the attempt to prevent presidential candidate Jakov Milatović, in Cetinje and Nikšić, from addressing his voters, as well as threats sent through social media to presidential candidates Draginja… »

Young people want to participate in social changes

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organized, from 9 to 12 March 2023, the work of the third generation of the School of Youth Activism in Mojkovac, as a part of the “Together Against Prejudice!” project, which is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights. The focus of this generation… »

A complaint was filed against the Ministry of Health

Twenty members of the “Equality” coalition filed a complaint to the Montenegrin Ombudsman against the Ministry of Health, regarding the rulebook that regulates access to medically assisted reproduction (MAR), adopted by this Ministry, and which prevent access to MAR for same-sex-oriented persons and women that are in a life partnership. During the previous months, the… »

Call for students for 1st generation of the Montenegrin Youth Security Academy

 Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a Call for students for 1st generation of the MONTENEGRIN YOUTH SECURITY ACADEMY THE MONTENEGRIN YOUTH SECURITY ACADEMY offers a wide range of theoretical and practical knowledge, all with the aim of strengthening the youth’s resistance to foreign malignant influences. During the two-day intensive and dynamic programme, 20 selected… »

World NGO day in Montenegro is marked by shrinking space for NGO development

On the occasion of 27 February – the World Day of Non-Governmental Organizations – the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) points out the complex position of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Montenegro. The changes in government did not lead to the necessary improvement of the legislative and institutional framework for the participation of NGOs in shaping… »

Štrpci kidnapping – the continued crime

“For three decades, the Montenegrin authorities have ignored the crime in Štrpci, and the families of the victims still do not have the status of civilian victims of war. The resolution on the crime in Štrpci, which was initiated by the victims’ families, has been waiting since May in the Parliament of Montenegro for its… »