Ukraine fights a brave battle for many other countries too

On the occasion of the one year of the outbreak of the war in Ukraine and Russia’s brutal aggression against this country, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) uses the opportunity to express respect for the people of Ukraine and its leadership for their brave, defiant and persistent strugle against the aggressors,  in defence of… »

Victims of violence without functional support programmes

On the occasion of the International Day of Victims of Violence – 22 February – the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) uses the opportunity to point out the seriousness of the problems faced by all victims of violence, and above all, women and children in the family, victims of peer violence, families of victims of… »

Bukovica is No Home of Justice

No remembrance day, no memorial, no established criminal responsibility of the perpetrators, no responsibility of the judicial authorities for failures in processing the cases, and no justice for the victims. It is a story about Bukovica and injustice. Jakub Durgut, a wonderful soul and a witness to the Bukovica crime, is no longer alive. In… »

Call for the III generation of the Youth Activism School

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is publicizing call for attendees of the III generation of THE YOUTH ACTIVISM SCHOOL If you are a high school student and you want to improve your activist skills in the promotion and advocacy for human rights, expand your knowledge or exchange experiences with your peers from other cities, then… »

Political will and strengthening of professional capacities to solve key problems are necessary

Within the working part of the “Voice of civil society in advocacy for change” forum, which was recently organized by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), participants from the civil sector and institutions formulated recommendations for the areas of gender equality, youth and youth policies, vulnerable and marginalized groups, as well as ecology and sustainable… »

Reaction of the Equality Coalition to Prime Minister Abazović’s Attack on the Association Parents

The Coalition for the Rights of LGBTIQ+ Persons Equality, within which 37 non-governmental organisations and institutions cooperate, strongly condemns the verbal attack by Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazović, on the Association Parents and expresses its full support to this organization that has been dedicated to improving the position of parents and children in Montenegro… »

Clarifications concerning the IV Call for Proposals for CSOs

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) publishes Clarifications related to the III call for proposals for the support for projects of civil society organisations (CSOs) within the project CSOs in Montenegro – from basic services to policy shaping – M’BASE. Clarifications were given based on questions received by email at and during info sessions, with certain shortenings when processing questions in order… »