Info session held in Cetinje

Today, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organized an info session in Cetinje, in the premises of the Business Center (former Košuta building), where presented the details of the III call for proposals for projects of civil society organizations (CSO) within the project ‘’CSOs in Montenegro – from basic services to policy shaping -M’BASE”. Petar… »

Need for changes in the work approach of the civil sector for greater impact and sustainability

Civil society is competitive and has numerous advantages, but regression trends are also noted. Therefore, it is important to stick to values, strengthen internal communication and cooperation, break apathy, to change work approaches to achieve greater impact and sustainability, as in many aspects the NGO sector also does the state work, it was concluded at… »

Civic activism is a serious job

You become an activist by realizing that there is no one and that if you do not do it, no one will. Civic activism is a serious job, it requires courage, optimism, time and will, and it does not just happen on the street, it is accented in the second panel “Civic activism and citizens’… »

Call for XI generation of interns

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces the Call for XI generation of interns. Internship lasts for two months, from 20 October to 20 December 2022, with a possibility of extending cooperation on various grounds. We invite you to apply for following programmes: Democratisation and Europeanisation – 1 position Human Rights – 1 position Active Citizenship – 1 position… »

It is illegal to fund private schools that are not licensed in accordance with procedures

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) sent today to the Minister of Education, Miomir Vojinović, the Initiative to review the legality of licensing of private institutions, the Secondary Religious School “Sveti Sava” from Podgorica and the Gymnasium “Metropolitan Sava Hadži Kosanović” from Nikšić and the withdrawal of the request for their funding from the Budget. The… »

Info session held in Rožaje

Today, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organized an info session in Rožaje, in the premises of the NGO Karika, presenting the details of the III call for proposals for projects of civil society organizations (CSO) within the project ‘’CSOs in Montenegro – from basic services to policy shaping -M’BASE”. Petar Đukanović, programme director of… »