Youth activism against contemporary challenges

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), on the occasion of 12 August – The International Youth Day, calls on the competent institutions working on protection and advancement of position of youth to devise additional actions towards essential inclusion of young people into socio-political processes in times of global challenges and increased health risk, but with the… »

SEC persist in violation of the Constitution and Law of Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) indicates that the State Election Commission (SEC), with its yesterday’s announcement, is trying to mislead the public through the changes of the previously enacted Technical Recommendations for the Epidemiological Protection of Voters During Elections that are neither essential nor these solve the key issues that we have pointed out in… »

Initiative submitted to the Constitutional Court to assess the constitutionality of SEC’s recommendations

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) submitted to the Constitutional Court yesterday, according to an earlier announcement, An initiative to review the constitutionality of Technical Recommendations for the Epidemiological Protection of Voters During Elections, adopted by the State Election Commission (SEC) at the 130th session, held on 6 August 2020. Immediately after the publication of this… »

SEC’s Technical Recommendations are unconstitutional, unclear, contradictory and non-applicable

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses serious concern about the Technical Recommendations for the Epidemiological Protection of Voters During Elections which, at yesterday’s session, were adopted by the State Election Commission (SEC). The SEC has not drafted a legal act that enables citizens to exercise the right to vote as guaranteed by the Constitution and… »

A quarter of a century from the „Storm“ Operation

On the occasion of the 25th years from the Operation „Storm“, which lasted from 4 to 7 August 1995, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) pays a tribute to the innocent victims of this crime and calls for stronger social engagement in the processes of dealing with the past and building remembrance cultures.

Government of Montenegro should conduct external audit of the UoM

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) submitted to Damir Šehović, Minister of Education, and Milutin Simović, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy and Financial System the Initiative for conducting an external audit of the University of Montenegro (UoM) for the period from 2018 to 2020. In line with the Contract on financing between the Government and… »

Public Broadcasting Service RTCG – a Newsreel of a government

The Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has published a report Public Broadcasting Service RTCG – a Newsreel of a government, which provides an overview of the RTCG in the last year, including both management and programme and financial aspects of the RTCG’s work. The focus of the report is on the RTCG after the illegal… »