Respect the law and do not block our path towards EU

Institute Alternative (IA), Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Center for Investigative Journalism of Montenegro (CIN CG) and Media Centre yesterday urged the institutions to do everything in their power to resolve the situation in Budva within the legal framework and without political interference, and appealed to the EU to warn the top officials about the… »

Young activists visit the CCE and the Ministry of Sport and Youth

Today, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organized a one-day study visit of young activists, high school students from all over Montenegro, in Podgorica, as well as meetings with the Director of the Directorate for Youth at the Ministry of Sports and Youth, Nenad Koprivica and with the CCE’s Executive Director Daliborka Uljarević.

Traveling School of Transitional Justice at the war crime sites

During the weekend, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organized field part of the programme of the second generation of the Traveling School of Transitional Justice, which included a visit to sites related to war crimes cases of “Bukovica”, “Kaluđerski laz”, “Murino”, “Deportation” and the camp “Morinj”. Programme participants also had the opportunity to talk… »

Montenegro has the capacity to affirm anti-fascism, still clear state policy and education system are needed

‘The primary social catalysts of an ambivalent attitude towards the Second World War, its effects, communist Yugoslavia, and consequently anti-fascism and anti-fascist heritage are within non-institutional and unscientific revisionism. Furthermore, there is an evident lack of clear and effective state policy in promoting anti-fascist heritage. This creates rather serious and worrying consequences that as we… »

Immediately eliminate quarantine and test all returnees

Human Rights Action (HRA) and Centre for Civic Education (CCE) call upon the NKT and the Minister of Health to immediately ensure the testing of all persons in quarantine and their release into home self-isolation until the test results are received. Only such treatment will prevent further unjustified differentia (discrimination) against persons who also came… »

The Ministry of Education accepted the CCE’s initiative

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) received a positive response from the Ministry of Education concerning the Initiative for the improvement of teaching process related to the topic of anti-fascism and anti-fascist heritage to prevent the spread of non-institutional and anti-fascism unscientific disclaimer , sent last week. The CCE emphasizes that is necessary thorough assessment of all… »