The fifth panel at the Sarajevo Plenum focused on Russia and the European populist right. Presentations were given by Ljubomir Filipović, political scientist from Montenegro, prof. Dr. Sead Turčalo, Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, Dr. Milivoj Bešlin, historian from the Institute of Philosophy and Social Research of the… »
Press release 2024
Serbia and the Western Balkans – one aggressive actor is enough for conflict
The third panel of the Sarajevo Plenum was dedicated to the role of Serbia in the Western Balkans. Insights were provided by Azem Vlasi, politician and lawyer from Kosovo, Izabela Kisić, Executive director of the Helsinki Committee for human rights in Serbia, Branislav Radeljić, professor and consultant, Roman Jakič, politician from Slovenia, and Adelheid Woelfl,… »
Mothers of Srebrenica will receive Annual award for contributions in the fight for democracy and human rights
Within Sarajevo Plenum, organized by Regional Academy for Democracy Development (ADD) from Novi Sad, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) from Podgorica and Faculty of Political Sciences University of Sarajevo (FPS US), the annual Award for contributions in the fight for democracy and human rights will be granted today to the association Mothers of Srebrenica. This… »
NGOs submit amendment proposals concerning media laws to parliamentary groups
A group of 40 NGOs submitted amendment proposals to all parliamentary groups regarding the Law on Audiovisual Media Services and the Law on the National Public Broadcaster – Public Media Service of Montenegro. The goal of the submitted proposals is to contribute to the adoption of higher-quality media laws that create the conditions for improving… »
Why is the status of civilian war victims still unregulated?!
Five non-governmental organizations sent a request yesterday to the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Naida Nišić, to inform the public about the reasons for her department’s already three-month delay in the preparation of the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Veterans and Disability Protection. Prime Minister Milojko Spajić and Deputy Prime Minister… »
Protest against the Film Centre of Montenegro for avoiding supporting projects dealing with facing the past
Five non-governmental organizations sent a protest letter yesterday to the director of the Film Centre of Montenegro (FCCG) – Aleksandra Božović, and the president of the FCCG Council – Edin Jašarović, demanding an explanation for why they did not support the project The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent, directed by Nemanja Slijepčević, winner of… »
The Small Film School concluded with diploma award ceremony
The two-month Small Film School concluded this evening with a diploma award ceremony for 18 elementary school students, as part of the broader project “Youth for Youth!“, implemented by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica through the Democracy Commission Small Grants Program. As part of this… »
There is no democracy without multiculturality and interculturality
“The political environment significantly contributes to the construction or deconstruction of multiculturalism and democracy. Democracy and multiculturalism rest on differences in terms of culture, social reality and politics, and all of that should be united under the umbrella of civil, decent, cultural Montenegro,” was the message from the conference “Obstacles and challenges in building a… »
Montenegro at a turning point, geopolitical argument is crystal clear
Montenegro is at crossroad and has a real opportunity to quickly join the European Union (EU), it was concluded at the panel discussion “Advancing towards the EU: Montenegro’s Journey and Regional Integration,” organized by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation noting that the EU is, above all, a union of… »
Transparency must be a priority for institutions
The promotion of principles of transparency, integrity, and conflict of interest prevention should be a priority in the management and strategic development planning of institutions, including those in healthcare. This was emphasized at a training on anti-corruption mechanisms organized by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today for 24 representatives from the healthcare sector. During… »