Democracy School – XXVIII generation

The Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a Call for the XXVIII generation of

– school for studying democracy from theory to practice –

Democracy School programme encompasses 20 sessions which are combination of lectures, interactive work through workshops and simulations, as well as film screenings with accompanying discussions. Programme is conducted for four months, once or twice per week, for an hour and a half.

Candidates over 18 are eligible, regardless of gender, nationality, religion or beliefs, with the indication that advantage will be given to those who demonstrate high degree of social activism in governmental, non-governmental, political party, union, media, economic, scientific, cultural framework and student associations and initiatives. The School is intended for those who wish to contribute to development of democracy and civil society in Montenegro. 

Democracy School is dedicated to understanding the idea of democracy and the manner in which this idea is being implemented. The adjusted programme of the XXVIII generation includes addressing of the concept of democracy, leadership, populism, rule of law, manner of functioning of authorities in accordance with democratic principles, position and role of non-governmental organisations, unions, media, political parties, academic and cultural community within the process of shaping democratic society, the importance of political participation of women, elections and building trust into election process, but also the relation of democracy and modern media, influence of public opinion, with reflection on  the process of Europeanization, establishment of political remembrance, culture of human rights, and democratic political culture. Prominent domestic and foreign lecturers, from various social spheres and with different expertise, will be working with selected participants of this programme.

All costs of Democracy School arecoveredby Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and CCE, with the obligation of participants to attend at least 80% of the programme. Upon completion of the School, the participants shall receive diploma.

Interest candidates may submit an application (CV with contact information and motivation letter) no later than 21 February 2019, until 16h, via e-mail: with the subject Application – Democracy School XVIII  generation.