Ministries block the allocation of funds for NGO projects

The Coalition of NGOs – Cooperation to the Goal has sent an urgency to the Prime Minister, Dusko Markovic, regarding the irresponsible actions of several ministries in the Government, which prevent the adequate implementation of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and block the process of allocation of funds for NGO projects in the current year.

Specifically, Ministry for Human and Minority Rights, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Sports, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism and Ministry of Science have not yet published decisions on the allocation of funds for NGO projects for this year. It is about 18 unpublished decisions for the same number of calls.

The Coalition of NGOs called on the Government to oblige these ministries to announce, as soon as possible, decisions on the allocation of funds for NGO projects and to enable the implementation of projects in numerous areas.

All of these ministries announced calls for projects several months ago, some ministries even half a year ago, but decisions on the allocation of funds have not yet been published. We recall that, in accordance with the Law on Amendments to the Law on Non-Governmental Organizations, calls for proposals for NGO projects which should be implemented in the current year are announced annually. Considering it is already 9th month of the current year, it raises the question: how the projects from this year’s call will be implemented this year. Objectively, the largest number of projects is likely to be implemented in the coming year, which directly affects the dynamics of supported projects, the achievement of their goals, beneficiaries’ satisfaction, the violation of prescribed deadlines and question the overall concept of financing programs and projects of NGOs. This practice has been repeated for the second year in a row, since the beginning of the implementation of the Law, and now we are objectively concerned about the will, willingness and capacity of the ministries and Government to enable the financing of NGO projects.

In addition to the urgent announcement of decisions and unblocking of the process of financing NGO projects by the aforementioned ministries, we also expect straight answers to the question of why they are not able to carry out the process of evaluating and deciding on projects even within six months. Given the fact that other ministries do this within 60 days, we believe that the problems are not procedures nor the legal solutions, but the individuals and their responsibilities towards obligations.

We expect the Prime Minister to determine the responsibility in these sectors and act appropriately towards the irresponsible performance of the work and direct obstruction of the Law on Amendments to the Law on NGOs.

The Coalition of NGOs Cooperation to the Goal currently gathers 100 non-governmental organizations from all over Montenegro and represents the largest organized NGO coalition in Montenegro.


Ana Novakovic, President of the Management Board on behalf of the Cooperation to the Goal

 The Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is a member of the NGO Coalition to the Goal, and in that capacity has representatives in the Managing Board.