Ministries block the allocation of funds for NGO projects

The Coalition of NGOs – Cooperation to the Goal has sent an urgency to the Prime Minister, Dusko Markovic, regarding the irresponsible actions of several ministries in the Government, which prevent the adequate implementation of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and block the process of allocation of funds for… »

Strengthening anti-corruption mechanisms is necessary

Podgorica, PR Press Service – Corruption strongly and negatively affects economic development, contributes to social stratification and inequality, which is why it is necessary to further strengthen the mechanisms established by local self-governments in terms of transparency and accountability of preforming jobs of direct interest to citizens. This was assessed at the panel ‘Corruption at… »

Political will is crucial in the fight against corruption at the local level

Podgorica, PR Press Service – Although there is a great responsibility of the local authorities, corruption at the local level is not only local problem, and the fight against corruption requires multisectoral and comprehensive response. This was concluded at the annual national conference on fighting against corruption at the local level, organized by the Centre… »