Call for training in media literacy, financial forensics and investigative techniques

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), B Film Montenegro, SHARE Foundation and Institute for Business and Financial Literacy announce

for training in media literacy, financial forensics and investigative techniques

The call is open to all local media journalists in Montenegro who are interested in acquiring new knowledge and skills that they would later apply in their work in media.  The programme encompasses two linked trainings.


Media literacy training offers wide range of theoretical and practical knowledge on media literacy, legislative framework regulating this area, as well as freedom of expression on Internet. Furthermore, the training will also include specific areas such as information privacy and digital security, invisible Internet infrastructures, electronic communications metadata, election campaigns on Internet, Facebook algorithms, process of private data exploitation, hidden forms of work, surveillance economics and cyber-forensic algorithms, analysis and visualization of large amounts of data. The trainers are experts from the SHARE Foundation based in Belgrade. The training will be held on 14 and 15 March 2020 in the south of Montenegro.

Training in financial forensics and investigative techniques focuses on improving financial literacy through learning how to ‘read’ financial reports, records, auditor reports, public procurement procedures and cash flows for the purpose of creating journalistic content based on facts and understanding of complex financial documents. This includes the basics of budget planning and drafting, budget implementation and reporting, specific knowledge about links between finance and socio-economy, with series of examples from everyday life in Montenegro. The trainers are experts from the Institute for Business and Financial Literacy from Podgorica. The training will be held on 21-22 March 2020 in the north of Montenegro.

All costs of participation in the programme (travel, accommodation, food, materials) are covered by the organizer.

Applications (CV with contact information) can be submitted until 13h00, on 6 March 2020, via email, with subject Application- Trainings – First hand stories – NAME SURNAME.

All applicants will be notified about the outcome of the Call, regardless if they are enrolled or not.

konkurs eng

Training programme in media literacy, financial forensics and investigative techniques is organized within the framework of the project ‘Support to local media- first hand stories! -supporting investigative journalism and media literacy at the local level in Montenegro’ implemented by B film Montenegro, Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Share Foundation and Institute for business and financial literacy. The project is funded by the EU through the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro.