Integrity as the foundation for institutions and public trust

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), today, organized the first in a series of training sessions for public officials on mechanisms for combating corruption, involving 20 representatives from local governments across various regions and municipalities in Montenegro.

During the training, various topics were covered, including integrity plans, whistleblower protection, conflict of interest, understanding and risk management, and asset records, which are deemed significant for enhancing the performance of public officials in anti-corruption efforts.

Stanislavka Radulović, Secretary of the Secretariat for Common Affairs of the Municipality of Kotor, believes that education on corruption protection mechanisms is invaluable in the modern public administration system. “Although mechanisms exist, they need continuous improvement and utilization. How to recognize corruption, encourage reporting, and understand the broader picture of the corruption phenomenon are aspects highlighted by this training, which also contributes to our individual education,” said Radulović, underlining the importance of contributing to the public good. “Ultimately, people should trust the institution, and we, as individuals, build that institution by fighting corruption and establishing strong principles upon which the institution is shaped,” she assessed.

Amel Šahić from the Office of the President of the Municipality of Rožaje, notes that the training was beneficial for all participants from local governments. “It is primarily significant because of the current topics and the strengthening of awareness about anti-corruption regulations and institutes. It is important for me personally, because I also perform the duties of an integrity manager, and I hope that more attention will be given to strengthening these institutes in the Law on Prevention of Corruption”, stated Šahić.

“I applied for the seminar because these topics are important to me as member of the group for the development and implementation of the Integrity Plan. I am grateful to the Centre for Civic Education for the opportunity to enhance my knowledge in this area,” said Valentina Božović from the Capital City of Cetinje.

“This type of training is very important for local self-government units, but also for other institutions. A major issue in our society is corruption, and thus the related anti-corruption activities, as well as the rights and obligations of all individuals both in the government system and as citizens, and their control toward the institutions of the system,” said Refik Pirović, from the cabinet of the President of the Municipality of Gusinje.

The goal of the series of trainings organized by CCE for officials from various sectors (local government, healthcare, education, judiciary and security) is to increase the level of information, improve planning processes, and implement anti-corruption policies by public officials, while adhering to ethical standards.

The training is organized within the framework of the PACT Against Corruption (Partnership Against Corruptive Tendencies) project, supported by the Embassy of the United States of America in Montenegro, the Bureau of the State Department Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) and implemented by CCE in collaboration with the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, whose representatives were also lecturers today.

Maja Marinović, Programme Associate