Ten unemployed persons with disability are employed within the framework of the project ‘Developing skills for better employability of persons with disabilities’ implemented by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) in cooperation with the company New Page LLC, and with the support of the Employment Agency of Montenegro. Through this project that aims to improvement… »
To confront homofobia and transfobia in Montenegro
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), on the occasion of 17 May – The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, points out that Montenegrin society must undertake additional efforts in fight for human rights culture that recognize and accept each citizen as equal before the law and in society regardless of sexual and gender differences.… »
NGOs from Western Balkan wrote to Donald Tusk
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is one of the signatories of the letter sent by Western Balkan civil society organizations to the President of the European Council, Mr Donald Tusk, concerning opening of the accession negotiations with Nort Macedonia and Albania in June 2019. In the letter, NGOs and individuals express concern that further delay… »
Young people need to get more attention of everyone
Young people are not essentially in the focus of decision-makers, and this also has its expression through a certain sense of alienation of young people from political and social engagement, as well as through the growing trend of young people’s desire to leave Montenegro, as it was concluded at the conference What can politics and… »
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There is no democratization of the society without the media freedom
On the occasion of 3 May – World Press Freedom Day, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) wants to congratulate to all media, media associations and journalists their day. This date is also an opportunity to point out to the deteriorating situation concerning media freedom, but also to call again institutions to make substantial efforts… »
With high school students about violence against LGBT persons
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), from February to April, organized eleven workshops for high school students on “Suppression and prevention of violence against LGBT persons“, within the project NO to Discrimination – YES to Diversity! implemented with the support of the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights of the Government of Montenegro. Previously, through this… »
RECOM II call for support to CSO projects
Centre for Civic Education (CCE/CGO), on behalf of project partners, within the project Regional CSO Activism for Regional Reconciliation in the Former Yugoslavia – in Support of RECOM, announces SECOND CALL FOR SUPPORT TO PROJECTS OF CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS IN NORTH MACEDONIA AND KOSOVO You may submit your project proposals, which should contribute to strengthen… »
Erosion of media freedoms is problem for the entire society
In Montenegro, we have documented continuity of regression within media sphere, which is visible through hard censorship, self-censorship and soft censorship. Moreover, there are also strong political pressures which had its culmination in the party overtaking of the public broadcaster Radio Television of Montenegro (RTCG). That was assessed by the Executive Director of the Centre… »
175 books collected for the library of ZIKS
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organized today, from 11h00 to 13h00, in Podgorica, on the plateau in front of the National Library ‘Radosav Ljumovic’, second street action of collecting books to enrich the library of the Institute for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions (ZIKS). During the two street actions, today and the first one that… »