Call for citizens to report cases of corruption

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) within the project PACT against corruption (Partnership against Corrupt Tendencies) announces a call for citizens to report cases of corruption The purpose of this call is to contribute to the fight against corruption by pointing out or processing specific cases in which citizens are witnesses or harmed parties due to… »

Call for participants for the Transitional Justice School

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a CALL for participants for the TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE SCHOOL If you are a young person, aged 18 to 35, and wish to learn more about the concept of transitional justice, culture of remembrance, the wars of the 90s, war crimes, and the sufferings in the former SFRY and Montenegro,… »

Fifth call for proposals for the support for projects of civil society organisations (CSO) in Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) within the project CSOs in Montenegro – from basic services to policy shaping – M’BASE project opens V CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the support for projects of civil society organisations (CSO) in Montenegro Project proposals, which should contribute to the successful EU integration process of Montenegro by empowering the civil… »

FAST FORWARD Festival in eight cities in Montenegro

Following the Montenegrin premiere at the FAST FORWARD Human Rights Film Festival Montenegro 2023, due to the great interest of the audience, Centre for Civic Education (CGO), in collaboration with local partners, will screen the documentary film Mamula All Inclusive by Aleksandar Reljić in eight Montenegrin cities! The screenings will take place according to the… »

From good promises to bad approaches

Zdravko Krivokapić’s expose dealt with the media narrowly, highlighting the existing problems in this area, without goals, plans, and solutions, while Dritan Abazović and Milojko Spajić’s exposes listed specific strategic and legislative goals in the field of media. However, there is no progress in this area, and certain conflicting approaches, actions, and decisions have made… »

Gender equality out of the focus of the Prime Ministers

The comparative analysis of exposes of 42nd, 43rd and 44th Government of Montenegro, conducted by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), indicates an extremely low level of the presence of gender equality issues. In terms of percentages, it is between 0.57% of the content in the case of Milojko Spajić’s expose, over 0.88% in the… »