Strengthened capacities of nearly 60 NGO representatives within the M’BASE programme

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), within the project “CSOs in Montenegro – from basic services to policy shaping – M’BASE”, organised series of three trainings in March and April aiming to strengthen the capacities of organizations whose projects were supported through the second Call of this programme. Through several days long trainings, representatives of supported… »

Trampled word

In the beginning was a Word… Everything through became… In it was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. And the light was seen in the darkness… These excerpts from the first chapter of the Gospel according to John should be a reminder to both believers and unbelievers of the power of… »

Sealed damage

Russia’s aggression on Ukraine changed the bloodstream of international relations. However, there is an impression that there is a lack of that understanding in some parts of the Western Balkans, including Montenegro, which is particularly dangerous given how vulnerable the region is to malignant external influences, and thus a suitable ground for destabilization. Is there… »

The position of juveniles in criminal proceedings – from prevention to reintegration

Center for Civic Education (CCE) published a brochure “The position of juveniles in criminal proceedings – from prevention to reintegration ” that h provides a brief overview of international instruments in the field of criminal procedure against juveniles. The brochure addresses all stages of the proceedings – from the one before trial (investigation, detention), through… »

Montenegrin government to urgently impose sanctions on Russia and stop threatening Montenegro’s path to EU

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) appeals to the Government of Montenegro to adopt, as soon as possible, a decision imposing effective sanctions on Russia and to prevent further damage to the state of Montenegro in that context. Further flirting with the fundamental values of civilization is unacceptable, as hesitation in practical condemnation of Russian aggression… »

15 new workshops about the 90s

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) published a new publication of supporting teaching material for a social group of subjects with a focus on history teaching “Teaching Controversial History for Responsible Education – 15 Workshops”. This publication, through fifteen prepared, piloted and applicable workshops, deals with various social aspects of the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the… »

About PWDs with dignity and in positive manner

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), after the end of Competition for the best journalistic story that addresses the position of persons with disabilities in Montenegro, awarded Miloš Rudović from the Center for Investigative Journalism of Montenegro (CIN CG) and Dijana Savović from TV and Vijesti portal. Rudović was awarded for the article “People with partial… »

With youth activism to the changes young people want

Centre for Civic Education (CCE). from 11 to 13 March 2022, with the support of the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights, organized the Youth Activism School, which was attended by 25 high school students from 10 cities of northern, central and southern regions of Montenegro. Through an intensive and dynamic three-day programme, which… »