International Education Day

On the occasion of International Education Day, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is publishing a video vignette “Poor Enlightenment“, which provides an overview of the situation in the formal education in Montenegro, focusing on some key issues that determine the quality of the Montenegrin education system. The vignette was created within the project “Media… »

Chronically bad status of journalists in Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), on the occassion of 23 January – the Day of Journalists of Montenegro, uses the opportunity to recall the chronically bad status of journalists in Montenegro. An unenviable financial position, insecure labour relations, endangered security, censorship and self-censorship remain worrying indicators of the media scene. From 2004 until today, no… »

UoM Governing Board to open sessions for the public

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) submitted today to the Governing Board of the University of Montenegro (UoM) an initiative to open all sessions of that body for the interested public and the media. CCE considers that in the interest of strengthening the transparency of the work of UoM, it is necessary to enable the interested… »

The coalition Together for LGBTIQ Rights called on the President of the Parliament to initiate proceedings against Jovan Vučurović

Coalition Together for LGBTIQ Rights, which gathers NGOs and institutions committed to full legal and social equality of LGBTIQ+ persons, and which Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is a member, urged the President of the Parliament, Aleksa Bečić, to initiate the determination of responsibility of the President of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, Jovan Vučurović, for hate… »

The Draft Law on Higher Education is not an expression of the consensus of the WG nor provides the necessary basis for quality improvement

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) does not support the Draft Law on Higher Education, which was in public discussion until 23 December 2021, although the CCE had its representative in the Working Group for drafting this text. For the sake of the public, it is necessary to point out the controversial aspects of drafting the… »

Open call for seminar Responsible education through teaching about the 90s

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is announcing an OPEN CALL for seminar RESPONSIBLE EDUCATION THROUGH TEACHING ABOUT THE 90s The public call for a three-day-long seminar is open to all history teachers and history educators, teachers of civic education and group of humanities and social science subjects. The objective of the seminar is to present… »