In the framework of the new educational programme ”Contemporary tendencies of critical thought” and in response to popular demand CCE presents, for the second time in Montenegro, the world-renowned PEACE EDUCATION PROGRAMME (PEP) This programme of weekly, hour-long workshops, lasts for 10 consecutive weeks. It is created by The Prem Rawat Foundation, with the purpose… »
Democracy School – XXIV generation
CCE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung announces an OPEN CALL for participants of the XXIV generation of DEMOCRACY SCHOOL – school for learning democracy from theory to practice – School comprises of 5 modules in total duration of four months. The sessions will be held once or twice a week, in duration of two hours. All… »
Open call for proposals for the support of civil society organization (CSO) projects in Montenegro in the field of human rights
OPEN CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the support of civil society organization (CSO) projects in Montenegro in the field of human rights Your project proposals, which should contribute to strengthening of the role of civil society in promoting human rights and democratic reforms in Montenegro, in supporting the peaceful conciliation of group interests and in consolidating… »
Contest for the best journalistic piece on European Integration in Montenegro
Call for support to projects of civil society organisations in Montenegro
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), on behalf of the Coalition for Equality STEP, within the project Networking of civil society in relation to endangered human rights in Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo announces CALL for support to projects of civil society organisations in Montenegro You may submit your project proposals, that should contribute to fight against… »
Youth participation: more than a catchword!
Peace Education Programme
In the framework of the new educational programme ”Contemporary tendencies of critical thought” CCE presents, for the first time in Montenegro, the world-renowned PEACE EDUCATION PROGRAMME (PEP) This programme of weekly, hour-long workshops, lasts for 10 consecutive weeks. It is created by The Prem Rawat Foundation, with the purpose of helping participants discover inner resources,… »
A cycle of lectures on: Theorists of classical geopolitics
In the framework of the new educational programme „Contemporary tendencies of critical thought“ CCE organizes A cycle of lectures on: Theorists of classical geopolitics The theme of this cycle of lectures, which lasts for 10 weeks, includes key concepts of the founders of the most important geopolitical schools of 20th century: Anglo-American, Russian and German… »
Contest for the best srory about the European Union
Democracy School – XXIII generation
CCE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung publicise AN ADVERTISEMENT for participants of the XXII generation of DEMOCRACY SCHOOL – school for learning democracy from theory to practice – School comprises 5 modules lasting for total of four months. The sessions will be held once or twice a week for two hours. All expenses are covered by… »