RECOM call for support to CSO projects

Centre for Civic Education (CCE/CGO), on behalf of project partners, within the project Regional CSO Activism for Regional Reconciliation in the Former Yugoslavia – in Support of RECOM, announces CALL FOR SUPPORT TO PROJECTS OF CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS IN MONTENEGRO, SERBIA, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, MACEDONIA, KOSOVO, SLOVENIA AND CROATIA You may submit your project proposals,… »

Development of Skills for Better Employability of Persons with Disability – CALL

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in cooperation with New Page and Employment Agency of Montenegro, announces C A L L  for participation in project Development of Skills for Better Employability of Persons with Disability  via system of informal trainings free of charge and employment The call is intended for persons with disability with completed high… »

Let’s put corruption into museum – CALL FOR PROPOSALS II

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) within the project LET’S PUT CORRUPTION INTO MUSEUM! opens CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the support for civil society organisations’ projects in Montenegro Your project proposals, which should aim to contribute to the civil society participation in the implementation of anti-corruption policies and practices, shall be submitted no later than 15… »

Competition for the best investigative article in the field of human rights

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces the COMPETITION for the best investigative article in the field of human rights. Its aim is to contribute to strengthening of the role of media in promotion of human rights, democratic reforms and development of anti-discrimination culture, through active research and media reporting on cases of violations of human… »

Call for internship at Centre for Civic Education (CCE)

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces call for VII generation of interns. Programme of internship lasts for three months, from 24 September to 24 December 2018, with a possibility of extending cooperation on various grounds. We invite you to apply for following programmes: Democratization and Europeization – 1 position Human Rights – 1 position Active Citizenship – 1 position THE CALL IS… »

Coalition for Transparency and Fight against Corruption – CALL FOR JOINING

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) within the project LET’S PUT CORRUPTION INTO MUSEUM!  CALLS interested civil society organisations (CSO) to join the Coalition for Transparency and Fight against Corruption at the local level Focus of work of Coalition for Transparency and Fight against Corruption will be monitoring and improvement of existing policies and mechanisms for… »

Let’s put corruption into museum – CALL FOR PROPOSALS

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) within the project LET’S PUT CORRUPTION INTO MUSEUM! opens CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the support for civil society orgnisations’ projects in Montenegro Your project propsals, which should aim to contribute to the civil society participation in the implementation of anti-corruption policies and practices, shall be submitted no later than 15… »

Call for intership

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces call for VI generation of interns. Programme of internship lasts for two months, from 23 October to 23 December 2017, with a possiblity of extending cooperation on various grounds. We invite you to apply for following programmes: Democratization and Europeization – 1 position Human Rights – 1 position Active… »

Peace Education Programme (PEP) – for the tenth time

In the framework of the educational programme ”Contemporary tendencies of critical thought” and in response to popular demand CCE presents, for the tenth jubilee time in Montenegro, the world-renowned PEACE EDUCATION PROGRAMME (PEP) This programme of weekly, hour-and-a-half long workshops, lasts for 10 consecutive weeks. It is created by The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF), with… »

Knowledge and Skills for Jobs! – CALL

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in partnership with Represent Communications, within the project Knowledge and Skills for Jobs!, supported by the European Commission through the Directorate for Finance and Contracting of the EU Assistance Funds (CFCU) of the Ministry of Finances, announces the CALL for the participation in the programme of informal education and paid… »