Call for IX generation of interns

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces the Call for IX generation of interns. Internship lasts for two months, from 20 October to 20 December 2020, with a possibility of extending cooperation on various grounds.

konkurs za IX generaciju stazista

We invite you to apply for following programmes:

Democratisation and Europeanisation – 1 position
Human Rights – 1 position
Active Citizenship – 1 position


  • Acquire experience that will help them in choosing future occupation;
  • Become acquainted with the concept of project management and methodology of work in NGO sector;
  • Become part of organization of conferences, seminars, workshops, panels, Montenegrin Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival and other events in the area of democracy, European integration, human rights and active citizenship;
  • Establish contacts with representatives of institutions, domestic and international organizations, as well as decision makers from area they opt for;
  • Learn about the concept of teamwork;
  • Wish to help in implementation of initiatives for the welfare of community that we all live in.


Aplications are open for students of final study years of social sciences (graduate and postgraduate) and those who graduated or acquired master’s degree a year prior to day of publishing of this Call.

Deadline for applications is 10 October 2020, and applications (CV + letter of motivation) are to be sent to, with the subject ’APPLICATION FOR INTERNSHIP’. If you apply for two or more programmes, please note your priorities with numbers 1 to 3.


CCE Internship programme provides opportunity to acquire practical knowledge and experience in work in NGO sector through active participation in implementation of current activities. It is accompanied with additional education about civil sector in Montenegro, as well about issues that CCE covers, through mentoring with selected interns by programme coordinators.

Internship programme does not imply employment and is not paid.

Applications received after 10 October 2020 will not be considered.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Apply and become a part of the CCE team!