The project “How much and to whom do the citizens of Montenegro pay for advertising” is part of the sub-programme Media and Democracy of the Centre for Civic Education and it aims to raise awareness about the ways inwhich the taxpayers’ money is being spent by public institutions, and increase their accountability in this regard.… »
How much and to whom do the citizens of Montenegro pay for advertising?
The project “How much and to whom do the citizens of Montenegro pay for advertising” is part of the sub-programme Media and Democracy of the Centre for Civic Education and it aims to raise awareness about the ways inwhich the taxpayers’ money is being spent by public institutions, and increase their accountability in this regard.… »
How much and whom do citizens in Montenegro pay for advertising
The project “How much and whom do citizens in Montenegro pay for advertising” was created within the programme of the Centre for Civic Education Accountability and transparence of the authorities and it aims to raise awareness on the expenditures from the Budget of Montenegro. The specific objective of the project is to point out the… »
Monitoring respect of human rights in closed institutions in Montenegro
Presentation of the findings of the research on attitudes of Montenegrin citizens on torture, within the project “Monitoring respect of human rights in closed institutions in Montenegro” implemented by the Human Rights Action in cooperation with the Centre for Civic Education, Shelter and Centre for Antidiscrimination EKVISTA, financed by the Delegation of EU in Montenegro… »
Perceptions of discrimination and LGBT
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in cooperation with the LGBT Forum Progress, with the support of the Canadian Embassy, through the project “It is OK to be different!”, conducted during February 2012 a public opinion research on perceptions concerning discrimination and LGBT population… Perceptions of discrimination and LGBT – (pdf)
Financing student organisations and development of schooling needs to be improved
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has conducted a research related to the revenues raised by university faculties on the basis of scholarship and its correlation with the means allocated for student organizations… Financing student organisations and development of schooling needs to be improved – (pdf)