Results of annual research on the media financing from public funds in Montenegro presented

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organised a conference today, with the support of British Embassy in Podgorica, titled « Media financing from public funds in Montenegro ». H.E. Ian Whitting, British ambassador in Montenegro, opened the conference and elaborated the motives of Embassy’s participation in this project by pointing out: “Everyone who lives in a… »

Who proposed 172 honorary citizenships to the Government?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) received a response from the Ministry of Interior and Public Administration (MoI) regarding the names of persons who were proposed by the president of Government of Montenegro for the honorary citizenship, as well as the number and list of the remaining persons who were not amongst those proposed for honorary… »

Employment in Montenegrin municipalities – merit or party based?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and Institute Alternative (IA) have presented today at a press conference the analysis “Employment in Montenegrin municipalities – merit or party based?”.The analysis has been prepared within the project “Corruption at the local level – zero tolerance!”, implemented by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in cooperation with the NGO… »

Monitoring respect of human rights in closed institutions in Montenegro

Presentation of the findings of the research on attitudes of Montenegrin citizens on torture, within the project “Monitoring respect of human rights in closed institutions in Montenegro” implemented by the Human Rights Action in cooperation with the Centre for Civic Education, Shelter and Centre for Antidiscrimination EKVISTA, financed by the Delegation of EU in Montenegro… »

Perceptions of discrimination and LGBT

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in cooperation with the LGBT Forum Progress, with the support of the Canadian Embassy, through the project “It is OK to be different!”, conducted during February 2012 a public opinion research on perceptions concerning discrimination and LGBT population… Perceptions of discrimination and LGBT – (pdf)