Students on their practice

Ten selected students have begun their month-long practice in Institute Alternative and Daily Press, upon attending the workshops on the basics of public policies writing and objective media reporting, as well as after their study visits to the project partners.

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This practice is being conducted within the project “Active students for sustainable development”, implemented by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE). Specific project objective is the improvement of skills of students from the department of Journalism and Political Science, Faculty of Political Sciences, through the transfer of knowledge within the scientific institutions and small and medium-sized companies for the purpose of realisation of close ties among these sectors, all for the benefit of students which require some practical form of education.

Within this project framework, five political scientists perform their practice in NGO Institute Alternative, and five journalists in portal Vijesti. Results of their work will reflect in series of articles, reports and studies related to subjects which colour Montenegrin everyday life, which shall in turn provide good basis for facilitated future adapting to labour market conditions.

Project “Active students for sustainable development” is financed by European Union through the Directorate for Finance and Contracting of the EU Assistance Funds (CFCU) of Ministry of Finances, within the programme “Transfer of knowledge between the sector of higher education, science and industry”.

Svetlana Pešić, CCE programme associate