Promotion of media literacy through the practice

After successful completion of the Second Media Literacy Forum, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) selected five students who were offered a three months-long paid internship in the media and NGOs dealing with media affairs based on applications for the programme, but also dedication, devotion and interest during this three-day intensive Forum.

Praksom do unaprijeđenja medijske pismenosti

The project team had the difficulty to choose, among great candidates, only five who will have expert mentoring support during the three-month-long internship aimed at their easier and more adequate adjustment to the labor market.

Thus, the following candidates were selected:

  • Jelena KAVARIĆ, internship will be performed at the Center for Investigative Journalism of Montenegro (CIN);
  • Kristina VUČKOVIĆ, internship will be performed in the portal/newspaper Vijesti;
  • Milica LIPOVAC, internship will be performed in the portal / radio Antena M;
  • Nikola JOVANOVIĆ, internship will be performed at Radio KRŠ;
  • Petra MARKOVIĆ, internship will be performed at TV Vijesti.

The internship will help students find out in practice what are the challenges facing the media, what responsibilities the media have, get acquainted with the way of working in the field, journalistic investigative techniques, collecting, verifying and publishing information, all in the context of the overall strengthening of the media literacy which is an important tool for disclosing fake news and misinformation. This will give allow them to apply the knowledge acquired at the three-day-long Media Literacy Forum.

The Media Literacy Forum and a paid three-month internship are organized within the project “Media for me!”, which is implemented by CCE with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, the Embassy of Kingdom of Norway and the Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD) of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Nikola Osekovac, Project assistant