Democracy School – XXVIII generation

The Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a Call for the XXVIII generation of DEMOCRACY SCHOOL – school for studying democracy from theory to practice – Democracy School programme encompasses 20 sessions which are combination of lectures, interactive work through workshops and simulations, as well as film screenings with accompanying discussions. Programme is conducted for four… »

EU Accession Negotiation School

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces the call for EU ACCESSION NEGOTIATIONS SCHOOL  The School is comprised of seven modules which will be implemented through 22 thematic lectures in Podgorica and one three-days seminar outside of Podgorica.  The EU Enlargement Policy and the history of Montenegro-EU relations Negotiation Chapters Negotiation structure and the accession negotiations… »

Incorporate as soon as possible the new EU rules on personal data protection into Montenegrin legislation

On the occasion of 28 January – Personal Data Protection Day, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) appeals to the authorised institutions to urgently start the process of harmonization of the legislative framework of Montenegro with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that entered into force on 25 May 2018. Data protection is fundamental human… »

Irregular pupils in Montenegrin educational system

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has researched data on number and manner of examinations of irregular pupils in Montenegro, the amount of incomes that schools have as per this basis and the manner of allocation of these incomes, and the data are summarised in the analysis Irregular Pupils in Montenegrin Educational System. The focus of research… »

Facts are defence against oblivion and xenophobia

On the eve of 27 January – International Holocaust Remembrance Day – Centre for Civic Education (CCE) uses the opportunity to pay a tribute to millions of victims perished in Holocaust during World War II, and to highlight the importance of education and culture of remembrance for everyone who gave their contribution to the fight… »

Local authorities must listen more carefully and responsibly to the voice of citizens

– Reaction of Coalition KUM to felling of cypresses in Bar – The Coalition for Transparency and Fight against Corruption at the Local Level (KUM) assesses that the felling of cypresses in Bar represents an example of non-functionality of local democracy which should be based on direct approach and transparency. Unfortunately, institutes such as public discussions, consultative… »