Center for Development of NGOs (CRNVO), Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and Institute Alternative (IA) will not sign the proposed agreement on cooperation with the Parliament of Montenegro, which came as an initiative from the president of Parliament, Darko Pajović. Namely, CRNVO, CCE and IA assess that the agreement, as legally non-binding act, nowadays does… »
General public should judge on the originality of Rakočević’s PhD
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) was surprised with the information that the commission of Law Faculty, managed by Velimir Rakočević, found that he did not plagiarise his PhD. This information was brought to the public by Rector Radmila Vojvodić, during a press conference focused on current outcomes of reforms on the University of Montenegro (UoM).… »
What type of Government organization do we need?
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has today presented analysis What type of Government organization do we need?, which is a part of regular activities of CCE within the subprogramme Accountability and Transparency of Authorities. Svetlana Pešić, CCE programme associate, has pointed out that „organization, functionality and transparency of the executive branch is dominantly affecting the… »
Through whose views does RTCG present us the Montenegrin reality?
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today presented the report Through whose views does RTCG present us Montenegrin reality, done within the CCE sub-programme Media and democracy with the aim to raise the level of awareness on the role of public broadcaster and respect of one of the most basic tenets – objective and balanced reporting.… »
CCE study “Montenegrin textbooks: what do they conceal and reveal about the contemporary history of Montenegro” presented at the regional school
European Association of History Educators (EUROCLIO) and History Teachers Association of Montenegro (HIPMONT) organised second regional summer school on Lovćen “History which binds the East and West”, from August 12 – 17 2016. Within the School’s programme, representatives of Centre for Civic Education (CCE) Tamara Milaš and Isidora Radonjić presented the study “Montenegrin textbooks: what… »
Camp Mamula should be transformed into a museum
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the recent statement of the investor that they will form a museum of camp Mamula on the isle of Lastavica. However, CCE simultaneously warns that the overall project (boutique hotel with restaurants, shops, spa centre and etc.) does not guarantee an adequate protection of this locality, or the respect… »
Filip Kovačević PhD spoke on “American Presidential Elections: Already seen, or Something new?”
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) tonight hosted the lecture of Filip Kovačević PhD, on: “American presidential elections: already seen, or something new?” Filip Kovačević PhD analysed the relation of powers on the American political scene with regard to presidential elections scheduled for November. He presented the main components of Democrats’ campaign, Hillary Clinton and Bernie… »
Montenegrin textbooks do not elaborate on Srebrenica
On the occasion of July 11 – Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) pays a tribute to victims of that crime and reminds of the gravity of Srebrenica tragedy. Post-Yugoslav societies must treat the victims of Srebrenica, as well as their families, with due moral and legal obligation, and thus contribute in… »
American Presidential Elections: Already Seen, or Something New?
Ministry of Education stultifies the process of cooperation between the Government and NGO sector
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is surprised with the fact that the Government, yesterday on 7 July 2016 at 164th session, adopted the Strategy of Development of Higher Education 2016 – 2020, and that the members of Working group, who allegedly worked on this document, have not seen that document in the form in which… »