Amendments to bylaws and recommmendations have been submitted to State Election Commission for reviewal

Working group for the analysis and improvement of bylaws of State Election Commission (SEC), previously established by Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro (AYDM) and Network for the affirmation of non-governmental sector (MANS), today successfully completed its work and forwarded 39 amendments to 5 bylaws and 10 recommendations to… »

To open negotiations with everyone and to respect the autonomy of civil society

Daliborka Uljarević, Executive director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), spoke on the Civil Society Forum EU – Balkans, which finished today in Paris, within the workshop on democratic governance. Among other issues, Uljarević assessed that «the erosion of democratic standards in Western Balkans is followed by newer, more subtle pressures on critically-oriented parts… »

Summer school Culture of Remembrance in Modern Europe completed

On the island of Rab, today was completed summer school Culture of Remembrance in Modern Europe, within which historians, curators, activists and artists from Poland, Germany, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, have been discussing challenges, possibilities and reach of culture of remembrance in different national contexts. From Montenegro, representatives of the Centre for… »

Amendments on bylaws of SEC gained full support on public debates in northern and southern region of Montenegro

Working group for the analysis and improvement of bylaws of State Election Commission (SEC), previously established by Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro (AYDM) and Network for the affirmation of non-governmental sector (MANS), conducted five public debates in northern and southern region of Montenegro and gained the support for… »

CCE continues donating books

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today donated books from the area of democracy, civil society, human rights, active citizenship, corruption and public administration to Public institution Centre for culture Bijelo Polje, for the needs of National library Bijelo Polje. Within its programme activities, the CCE has a developed publishing activity, through which it has published… »

Respect of the Law – Condition for Cooperation

Representatives of seven non-governmental organisations – Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro (AYDM), Centre for Development of NGOs (CRNVO), Network for the affirmation of non-governmental sector (MANS), Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Center for monitoring and research (CEMI), Institute Alternative (IA), OUR INITIATIVE – today left the meeting with the president of Parliament of… »

On human rights with young people

Miloš Knežević, Coordinator of Youth group of Centre for Civic Education (YG CCE), today held a workshop on human rights with emphasis on rights of LGBT persons in the premises of American corner in CIC “Budo Tomović” with the representatives of FLEX Alumni Montenegro, participants of high school exchange programme. Workshop, organized based on the… »

What is behind the change of model of studies at UoM?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses concern due to the current manner of implementation of reforms at the University of Montenegro (UoM), which obviously weakens the already undeveloped academic dialogue which should be based on arguments and respect of diversity. Law on Higher Education and the accompanying regulations recognise equally two models of study 3+1+1+3,… »

Montenegrin textbooks: What do they conceal and reveal about the contemporary history of Montenegro?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today presented the study Montenegrin textbooks: what do they conceal and reveal on the contemporary history of Montenegro?, whereby CCE research team analysed history textbooks for primary and secondary education, as well as for several faculties of University of Montenegro, in the part related to presentation of the Montenegrin contemporary… »