NGOs addressed SSP regarding the determined violation of right to privacy of the MANS employees

After the final decision of Basic court in Podgorica, NGOs request from Supreme state prosecutor, in the public interest of protection of human rights, to determine personal responsibility of competent servants and officials from Prosecutor’s Office and Police Directorate, in the public interest of protection of human rights, who have violated the human right to… »

Faculty of Philosophy in the zone of the criminal responsibility

Centre for civic education (CCE), upon the analysis of the available audit reports for Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Montenegro (UoM), noted that the scope of illegalities is alarming and that these require urgent reaction from competent bodies, as well as that responsibility needs to be determined and sanctions applied to the ones… »

Ambassador Drobnič guest of second European cafe

Today, Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), continued with the implementation of project «European cafe», within which it organised a meeting of NGO representatives and ambassador Mitja Drobnič, Head of EU Delegation to Montenegro on “Role and significance of non-governmental organisations in the process of negotiations of Montenegro with… »

Roma people are an integral part of Montenegrin society

On the occasion of 8 April, World day of Roma, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) took the opportunity to point out on extremely hard position of Roma community in Montenegro, and the need for stronger commitment, primarily of state, and then of all other social actors, in order to stimulate social inclusion of this minority… »

Terminate selective application of law aimed pressure media

The Government of Montenegro is obliged to ensure conditions for development of media pluralism, or quality informing of Montenegrin citizens on all matters of public interest. Blocking the account of independent TV Vijesti due to tax debts is the consequence of inconsistent application of legal regulations in the area of media. Laws must be respected… »

Why is the audit report of Faculty of Law being concealed?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) noted that University of Montenegro (UoM) is once again using the old practice of hiding documents of public interest, despite the initial step forward it made in part of opening to public and initiatives from NGO sector. CCE addressed the Law Faculty and UOM with a request based on free… »

Government does not hear the remarks from European Parliament

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) did not receive data from National Commission for implementation of Strategy for fight against corruption and organised crime on the number of programmes and projects regarding the area of fight against corruption and organised crime, as well as on the amount of spent international and budget resources for those purposes.… »

Youth build Montenegro project completed

Today, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organised an action in public institution High school Cetinje, as the result of practical work during the XX Generation of Human Rights School, aimed to promote rights of persons with disabilities. Campaign is being supported by the US Embassy in Montenegro, within the framework of Youth build Montenegro project.… »

Government wants an even more stronger influence on Judicary

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) assesses that the Montenegrin accession process to the EU more and more depends on track record which Montenegro establishes, or not, in meeting measures from the Action plan (AP) for chapter 23 (Judiciary and Fundamental rights). CCE reminded that it was precisely because of the limited results from previous period,… »

Capacity building of youth from Plav and donation to school library

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today organised, as a result of practical work during the Human Rights School, first in series of actions, in the public institutions Mixed High school “Bećo Bašić” in Plav. The action focused on promotion of significance of volunteerism among young people. Objective of action was to raise awareness of high… »