Why there is still no answer about delays of salaries for users of professional training programme

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) again points to the problem of non-payment of salaries to users of the Professional Training Programme, who have started working on 15 January and whose employers have, until 4 February, submitted necessary documents to the authorized institutions. Bureau for Employment and responsible Ministry of Finance are still working in negligent… »

Why salaries for users of professional training program are being late

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) points to the problem of unpaid salaries to users of the “Professional Training Programme”, who have started working on 15 January, and whose employers have, until 4 February, submitted concluded contracts and reports on professional training to the authorized institutions, thus creating conditions for the payment of half-monthly compensation to… »

EU institutions publish screening reports on their website

The CCE welcomes with great satisfaction the news that the screening reports for negotiation chapters 23 (Judiciary and fundamental rights), 24 (Justice, freedom and security) and 25 (Science and research), were made available on the website of the European Commission and calls for active engagement of Montenegrin authorities for prompt translation of these documents into… »

Retorics cannot camouflage absence of the results

Montenegro (UoM), expresses serious concern about the lack of control of the management of all faculty units at the UoM. This is exactly what constitutes as popular retorics all the frequently repeated announcements about these actions by the president of the Administrative Board of the UoM – Duško Bjelica. Their aim is to camouflage reluctance… »


The problem is the state, which lacks the institutional setup that would make us all equal before the law and accountable for our actions. This is why in Montenegro “the rule of law” is an oxymoron. Parties and individuals toying with the state and its future are, on the other hand, just a daily fix… »