Open call for participation in the workshop LET’S FAST FORWARD GENDER EQUALITY

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Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is announcing an OPEN CALL for participation in the workshop LET’S FAST FORWARD GENDER EQUALITY The Call for participation in the one-day-long workshop is open to all professors who teach sociology, civic education, healthy lifestyles and subjects from the group of social sciences and humanities in high schools. The workshop… »

Poor institutional track record in the field of media freedom

On the occasion of 3 May  – World Press Freedom Day, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) wishes to congratulate to all media, media associations and journalists. Although there is no essential reason to celebrate, this day is an opportunity to pay tribute to the media and media representatives who do their job professionally and… »

Strengthened civil society can contribute to the europeanization of Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) through the programme CSOs in Montenegro from basic services to policy shaping – M’BASE, funded by the European Union and co-financed by the Ministry of Public Administration, successfully implements programme of support to NGO projects aimed at contributing to recognition by state institutions of an empowered civil society that actively… »

Gender equality practicum for primary and secondary school teachers

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) published a practicum “LET’S FAST FORWARD GENDER EQUALITY“ prepared by Svetlana Jovetić Koprivica and Miroslav Minić. The practicum is intended for teaching staff in primary and secondary schools, but also for other professionals in education, to help them devise work with young people in teaching within the part concerning raising… »

Young people visited institutions and NGOs dealing with the protection of human rights and gender equality affirmation

Within the project Let’s FAST FORWARD gender equality (phase II) – from stereotyping to equality!, implemented by the Centre For Civic Education (CCE), 25 high school students from 10 cities of Montenegro, today visited the Gender Equality Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro, Police Directorate, Protector of Human rights and Freedoms of Montenegro and NGO… »

Peer education on gender equality held in Bar, Podgorica and Pljevlja

After the Youth Activism School, participants of that programme held peer education on gender equality at the High School of Economics and Catering in Bar, Gymnasium “Slobodan Škerović” in Podgorica and Gymnasium “Tanasije Pejatović” in Pljevlja. Motivated participants of the School, with the mentoring support of the project team of the Centre for Civic Education… »

Independence is the greatest success of the PWDs

To show one day in the life of people with disabilities, to provide insight into what disability really means, but also that people with disabilities have abilities and opportunities, is the goal of the activity “One day with me” which completes the project “EqualABILITY”, which is the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) was conducted in… »

State aid based on clear rules is in the interest of all media

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) calls on the Agency for Protection of Competition to assess and publicly explain whether the Decision of the Government of Montenegro on assistance to commercial TV broadcasters with national coverage, adopted on 8 April, is legitimate. We also call on the Government to explain according to which procedures it decided… »

Support to Local Civil Society Organizations – Transitional Justice and Confidence Building Initiatives in the Western Balkans – RECOM Reconciliation Network

RECOM Reconciliation Network invites civil society organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Northern Macedonia and Kosovo to submit a proposal for an initiative that contributes to the dissemination of knowledge about judicial facts and strengthening the voice of victims, accepting and disclosing facts about war events and crimes in the local community, building a… »