Instead of public discussion, on 10 June 2019 the Ministry of Finance announced public consultations on the Proposal of the Law on Public Procurement, stating in the Call that “it was innovated compared to the version publicly discussed in the period February – March 2018’’. More than a year has passed since the previous public discussion. Also,… »
Affirmation of alternative sanctions is necesarry
The system of alternative sanctions and probation measures is still a novelty for most of our citizens, which is also reflected in their knowledge, hence almost two-thirds of citizens state that they do not know what alternative sanctions and probation measures are, as indicated by data from the public opinion survey on alternative sanctions and… »
Uljarevic: Human rights in Montenegro are not a priority for decision – makers
Human rights in Montenegro are not a priority for the decision – makers, human rights culture has not come to life, which has a reflection on effective respect of these rights, assessed Executive Director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Daliborka Uljarevic. At the presentation of key findings of the report on human rights… »
DPS against EU and US in new action of retaining control over the RTCG
Administrative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro determined the Proposal for the list for the appointment of the RTCG Council by authorized proposers. Proposal for the list was unanimously supported by the MPs of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), which confirmed that the DPS had controlled this process from the beginning, and that there… »
It is a progress when the Parliament annules its own unconstitutional legal provisions
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the decision of the Parliament of Montenegro on adoption of amendments that will return back to civil servants at the state and local administration rights deriving from their work in terms that they will be eligible also for financial claims on the basis of their work and that this… »
Respecting other people’s opinions is the basis of the tolerant society
Active approach of all parts of our society, as well as networking of student and educational structures, is very important to confront elements that lead to extremist ideas, as it was concluded at the fourth public debate ‘Dialogue in the community – prevention of radicalization and violent extremism‘ organized by the Centre for Civic Education… »
Ignorance leads to radical attitudes
The lack of information about others and the intolerance towards others lead to prejudice and radical attitudes that are an obstacle for unification within our diversities, as it was concluded at the third public debate “Dialogue in the community – prevention of radicalization and violent extremism” organized today by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE)… »
Dialogue can lead to prevention of radicalism and violent extremism
Communication within the community plays an important role in prevention of radicalism and violent extremism, since lack of adequate communication generates fear, which further creates space for manipulation and can lead to conflict, as it was concluded today, at the second public debate ‘Dialogue in the community – prevention of radicalization and violent extremism‘ organized… »
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Twenty-four participants successfully completed Democracy school
Tonight in Podgorica, in the premises of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), diplomas were awarded to participants of the XXVIII generation of the Democracy School, a school for the study of democracy from theory to practice, organized by the CCE in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Participants of the Democracy School who successfully… »