Let’s put corruption into museum – CALL FOR PROPOSALS

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) within the project LET’S PUT CORRUPTION INTO MUSEUM! opens CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the support for civil society orgnisations’ projects in Montenegro Your project propsals, which should aim to contribute to the civil society participation in the implementation of anti-corruption policies and practices, shall be submitted no later than 15… »

Reaction of the NGO Coalition Cooperation to the Goal to the press release of the Ministry of Public Administration regarding the Strategy for improving the incentive environment for work of NGO 2018-2020

Due to factual omissions in the press release of the Ministry of Public Administration (MPA) to the statement of the NGO Coalition Cooperation to the Goal, regarding the adopted Strategy for improving the incentive environment for work of NGO 2018-2020, we feel obligated to inform the public on the following facts and to initiate direct… »

The Government does not want developed non-governmental sector

The adopted Strategy for improving the incentive environment for work of NGO 2018-2020 does not reflect the needs of non-governmental organisations in Montenegro. It represents one more document that the Government obviously created just for itself and for the needs of checking their obligations in the EU integration process. Out of at least five key… »

Montenegrin institutions must establish zero tolerance to plagiarisms

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses concern regarding decision of the Basic State Prosecution (BSP) that there are no grounds for criminal prosecution of persons who have illegally taken a part of curriculum from colleagues from Croatia, thus continuing with a negative practice of (non)prosecution of plagiarism by the Prosecution, which neither contributes to the… »

Rakocevic is a mirror of academic honor of UoM’s management

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses regret over decision of the Senate of the University of Montenegro (UoM) to elect Velimir Rakocevic into position of regular professor for Criminal-Law group of subjects at the University of Montenegro, with the full awareness of controversies that follow academic work of Rakocevic. It seems as if we did… »